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Basic of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Winter semester:

Chemistry and medicine

Basics of laboratory medicine

Important organic analytes in body fluids

Important organic compounds in biochemistry

Structure, chemical and biological properties of saccharides

Structure, chemical and biological properties of lipids

Structure, chemical and biological properties of amino acids, peptides and proteins

Summer semester:

Introduction to biochemistry. Enzymes. Gain of an energy in the cell

Carbohydrate metabolism. Glycemia. Diabetes mellitus

Lipid metabolism. Lipoproteins. Ketone bodies.

Metabolism of amino acids and proteins. Ammonia detoxication.

Principle of muscle contraction. Energy metabolism of muscle cell.

Hormonal regulation of metabolic processes

Basics of clinical biochemistry


Lectures are focused on basic knowledge of chemical bonds, chemical reactions, properties of solutions and analysis of biological material. The teaching also includes the basic overview of natural products and their characterictics.

In summer semester lessons are continue on function of an eucaryotic cell. Function and diagnostic importance of enzymes are also explained. These concepts are followed by a summary of digestion and metabolism of basic nutrients. Principles of hormonal regulations and an effect of nutrition are included.