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Medical Terminology

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |



1. Pronunciation of Latin letters

2. Basic Latin grammatical terminology, in particular the nominal one.

3. Latin nouns: 1st to 5th declension Greek nouns

4. Latin adjectives of the 1st and 2nd, and the 3rd declension type Comparison of adjectives (regular and irregular) Present active and past passive participles

5. The grammatical function of attribute

6. Prepositions and prepositional phrases

7. Latin numerals (cardinal 1-50; ordinal 1-50) Greek numarals (cardinal 1-10; ordinal 1-10)

8. Verbs (esse, fieri)

9. Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes

10. Forming a simple diagnosis (e.g. signum stomatitidis ulcerosae, laesio gingivae)

11. Basic pharmaceutical terms: drug, injection, pill, tablet, solution, ointment, etc.

12. Names of drugs: e.g. analgetica, anaesthetica

13. Prescription abbreviations: e.g. ad, bis d.


The subject is taught in the bachelor curriculum, in the study programme: Dental Hygiene, major in the 1st year.

The classical Latin adjusted to the needs of medical terminology is (along with the present-day international English) a supplementary subject which creates background for the health care specialists with university education. Basic classical Greek is taught as a part of the course as well. The grammar is practised with respect to the needs of the students in the higher health care education, with emphasis to the correct usage of the specialised terms and ability to connect and create new specialised terms, in particular in dentistry.