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ERASMUS - Hematology and Oncology

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The study of this subject will be organized as lectures, seminars and practical training at the Department of Radiology and Oncology as well as at the Department of Clinical Hematology, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague

Essentials of malignant proliferation at the molecular, chromosomal, cellular and tissue level

Essentials of epidemiology, prevention and early diagnostics of malignant diaseases and role of public health

 Essentials of epidemiology, prevention, diagnostics and treatment of selected non-malignant diaseases of the hematopoietic system  and role of public health

Essentials diagnostics and treatment of malignant diaseases

Topics - Lectures Haematology            


Feb 23  

Disorders   of white cells,lymphadenopathy

Feb 29  

Disorderes of platelets    

Mar 1  

Leukemias and myeloprolipherative diseases

Mar 14  

Lymphomas and multiple myeloma  

Mar 15  

Stem cell transplantation    

Mar 16                              

Semminars in haematology    



Taking history and physical examination in haematology

Mar 5-10

Laboratory examination in  haematology    

Mar 19-24

Splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy    

April 4-7

Anaemia and anaemic syndrome    

April 9-14

Emergency situations in haematology    

April 23-28

Monoclonal gammopathy      

April 30 - May 5

Haemostasis and coagulation      

May 7-12


May 14-19              

Stages in Haematology summer semester 2012    



Taking history and physical examination in haematology

Mar 12-17

Laboratory examination in  haematology    

Mar 26-31

Anaemia and anaemic syndrome    

April 16-21



Hematology - examination question topics for summer semestr 2012  


Disorders of white blood cells (WBC)    



Disorders of blood platelets    


Myeloprolipherative diseases  

Malignant lymphoma       

Monoclonal gammopathy and multiple myeloma



In Haematology and Oncology course students will learn basics of epidemioplogy, pathogenesis, diagnostics, staging and therapy of solid tumours and haemoblastosis. Theoretical introduction will be followed by practical lectures examining patients with particular tumorous diseases. In the oncological and haemato-oncological part of the course students will be taught basis of therapy of tumorous diseases according to the evidence based medicine, innovation in biological therapy and basics of modern supportive and paliative care.

In the non-malignant haematology students will learn basis of symptomatology, racional laboratory examination, diferential diagnostics and therapy of non-malignant diseases of hematopoietic system. Preventive care and early diagnosis principals of both malignant and non- malignant haematologic diseases will be also mentioned.