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ERASMUS - Nephrology, urology, rheumatology and geriatrics

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


I. Syllabus nephrology

1.       Introductory seminar (prof. Rychlik, dr. Havrda) a.       organization information, credit conditions, overview of the syllabus b.       basic classification of the kidney diseases (prerenal x renal x postrenal, vascular, glomerular, tubulointerstitial diseases, diseases of the urinary tract) c.       review of the symptomatology of the kidney diseases (subjective complains such as pain, urinary symptoms, oligoanuria, polyuria, nycturia, hematuria, proteinuria, basic nephrologic syndromes – nephrotic x nephritic, edemas, hypertension, uremic syndrome) d.       basic epidemiological data of patients with kindey diseases e.       basis tests review (urinary sediment, urine culture, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphates, urea, creatinine, Astrup, ultrasonography, X-ray methods, scintigraphy, imunology, paraprotein detection, renal biopsy) f.        Trajectory of patients with CKD (higher risks of CKD-early diagnosis-slowing of progression-preparation for RRT / conservative care-basic RRT methods)

2.       Laboratory and other tests in nephrology (Dr. Habara, Dr. Žabka) a.       Glomerular filtration tests – urea, creatinine, cystatin C, clearance, estimations, measurements with inulin, isotopes b.       Differentiate between evaluation of stabilised kidney function and changing kidney function c.       Proteinuria evaluation – quantitative proteinuria, PCR, ACR, proteinuria typisation, d.       Hematuria evaluation – hematuria typisation,

3.       Acute kidney injury (Dr. Grussmannová, Dr. Krátká) a.       AKI definition, stages b.       Predisposing states and factors of AKI. Hydration evaluation c.       AKI caused by contrast agent, drug-associated AKI (ATN, ATIN) d.       Hepatorenal syndrome e.       Cardiorenal syndrome f.        AKI prevention g.       Tests used for differential diagnosis of the etiology, renal biopsy indications h.       Treatment of the AKI, corticotherapy indications (ATIN) i.         Elimination methods in AKI (HD, CRRT, PD) – indications, performing)

4.       Chronic kidney disease (Dr. Bandúr, Dr. Lažanská) a.       CKD definition, stages b.       Differentiation of active disease, tests, indication of renal biopsy in unclear kidney disease c.       Uremic syndrome (clinical-laboratory presentation) d.       Complications of the CKD and their treatment – anemia, acidosis, CKD-MBD, nutrition and diet, hypertension, cardiovascular complications, specifics of pharmacotherapy

5.       Differential diagnostic seminar 1 – discussion of case studies (Dr. Sýkora, Dr. Knížek Bonatto) a.       Renal function evaluation in stable and unstable conditions b.       Differentiation of type of the kidney disease and differentiation between acute and chronic disease according to clinical, laboratory and other tests c.       Approach to the patient with AKI d.       Approach to the patient with CKD

6.       Kidney and the vascular diseases (Dr. Krátká, Dr. Havrda) a.       Malignant hypertension, vascular nephrosclerosis, ischemic disease of the kidney b.       Renovascular hypertension, secondary renal hypertension c.       Vasculitis – overview, vasculitis of the large and medium-sized vessels affecting the kidney d.       Thrombotic microangiopathy

7.       Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (prof. Rychlik, Dr. Havrda) a.       Symptomatology of the RPGN, overview b.       Goodpasteur syndrome, anti-GBM nephritis c.       ANCA-associated vasculitis d.       Lupus nephritis e.       RPGN as presenation of the HSP, IgAN f.        Renal biopsy – indication, contraindication, performing, complications

8.       Chronic glomerular diseases (Dr. Žabka, Dr. Havrda) a.       GN classification according to morphology (classical) and pathophysiology (new) b.       Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (MCD, FSGS, MGN) c.       IgAN, HSP

9.        Chronic glomerular diseases II. (Dr. Havrda, Dr. Žabka) a.       Membranoproliferative GN – morphology, clinic, basic differential diagnosis b.       Diabetic kidney disease c.       Lupus nephritis

10.       Infections and the kidneys (Dr. Knížek-Bonatto, Dr. Sýkora) a.       Bacterial infections of the kidneys and urinary tract b.       Acute postinfectious GN c.       Parainfectious GN d.       GN in viral infections

11.   Clinical-pathological seminar (Doc. Honsová) a.       Acute, rapidly progressive and chronic kidney diseases focused on vascular diseases, RPGN and chronic glomerular diseases (seminars 6-9)

12.   Tubulointerstitial kidney diseases (Dr. Lažanská, Dr. Bachroňová) a.       Acute tubular necrosis, acute tubulointerstitial nephritis b.       Damage of the kidney in myoglobinuria and hemoglobinuria, crystals induced kidney damage c.       Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, drug associated kidney damage, chronic pyelonephritis d.       Monoclonal gammopathy with renal significance (MGRS) e.       Polycystic kidney disease

13.   Renal replacement therapy (Dr. Tetour, Dr. Szonowská, Dr. Bandúr) a.       Basic classification of the RRT, indications b.       Conservative treatment of the severe CKD, palliative nephrology c.       Basic classification of dialysis treatment, basic physical principles of dialysis d.       Hemodialysis – technology, vascular access, dry weight, ultrafiltration, HD prescription, complications, basic diet

14.   Other treatment options in nephrology (Dr. Szonowska, Dr. Lažanská, Dr. Tetour) a.       Peritoneal dialysis b.       Continual methods of RRT c.       Home HD d.       Plasmapheresis, hemoperfusion e.       Kidney transplantation

15.   Differential diagnostic seminar 3, final – discussion of case studies (Dr. Havrda, prof. Rychlík) a.       Tubulointerstitial kidney diseases, monoclonal gammopathies b.       CKD patient care, arrangement of nephrology treatment, RRT indications c.       HD, PD, Tx complications, acute states d.       Test and exam preparations (structure, questions, demands, conditions for the credit and exam)       B/ Seminars organized by preclinical departments

1.     Pathophysiology of the kidney I

2.     Pathophysiology of the kidney II

3.     Pharmacology of the kidney and urinary tract I

4.     Pharmacology of the kidney and urinary tract II      Lectures:    1/Basic principles of examination of a patient with kidney disease  2/Glomerulonephritis  3/Tubulointresticial nephritis  4/ RRT (renal replacement therapy)  5/ AKI (acute kidney injury)  6/Possibilities of affecting the progression of nephropathy      II. Syllabus urology Examination methods in urology Imaging procedures in urology Clinical urology Non-neoplastic diseases of the urinary bladder and urethra   Tumours of the urinary bladder Endoscopic diagnostics Benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis Tumours of the prostate Incontinency Diseases of external genitals TBC in urology/ non-neoplastic diseases of the kidney   III/Syllabus of rheumatology - modul NURG Seminars: A/ organized by 1st Department of Medicine

1.       Basic overview of rheumatology a.       Overview  of  rheumatic diseases (RD) b.      Symptoms of rheumatic diseases  ( pain, arthritis, extra-articular features ) c.       Basic classification of RD d.      Basic assessment of RD, basic interpretation of laboratory results ( blood biochemistry, immunology, radiography, ultrasound, densitometry)

2.       Rheumatoid arthritis a.       Definition and clinical manifestations b.      Diagnosis and diferential diagnosis c.