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ERASMUS - Clinical Genetics

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Genetic counseling, casuistics

Primary and secondary prevention of genetic diseases, teratogens

Congenital abnormalities

Inborn chromosomal abnormalities

Microdeletion syndromes

Cytogenetics of tumors

Genetic examinations in practice

Genetics in clinical practice  

Internship in clinical conditions


The education of medical genetics in the 5th year consists of eight seminars and one attendance on the Department of Medical Genetics. Teaching is based on the revision of knowledge from the 1st year of the study and on the introduction of details of particular topics.

The seminars are focused on clinical cases and casuistics. The visit on the Department of Medical Genetics demonstrates the work in the genetic counselling centre, conjunction of genetics with other medical specialities, work in cytogenetic and molecular genetic laboratories.