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ERASMUS - Medical Psychology and communication

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


See Vyuka CVSE5P0070


Medical Psychology and Communication is a discipline that mediates basic theroretical and practical aspects of psychological, behavioural and social aspects of health and illness. To practice effective evidence-based medicine, doctors must knot how psychological and behavioural factors influence health and illness. Medical students are taught to implement a biopsychosocial perspective and to use psychological approaches in diagnostics and treatment. After the course medical students understand that in order to achieve best possible treatment results, working and trustfull doctor-patient relationship must be established and maintained. They are familiar with communication techniques in specific clinical situations. Also, medical students aquire basic knowledge and skills how to survive in good health extremely demanding medical profession. Presentations, articles and other materials are available in curricular database Vyuka. During theoretical topics results of scientific studies and case-reports will be presented. During practical training videomaterials will be presented and role- playing will be encouraged. Detailed information about Medical Psychology and Communication is in Vyuka,

Informace o predmetu unit (unit 0). Summary is in Syllabus attached to Informace o vyuce unit. Contents -

Structure: Medical psychology and communication consists of 30 hours (15 units), organized as 12 clinical seminars with controlled presence and 3 seminars. In order to fully participate in 5th year classes knowledge from the 4th yearis required.(Neurobiology of basic psychological mechanisms (memory, emotions and stress; 3 seminars) are part of Neurobehavioural Sciences I module (for details go to Vyuka, Neurobehavioural Sciences I; psychological, behavioural and social aspects of health and illness are covered in 7 lectures in summer semester for all students. See Syllabus, 4th year.)