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State Examination in Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Questions for state examination from obstetrics and gynaecology. "NEW - 2017/2018 "   STATE EXAM   OBSTETRICS

1. Definition and diagnostics of pregnancy, physiological changes related to pregnancy

2. Prenatal care in the Czech Republic, examination methods in obstetrics

3. Maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity

4. Ultrasound examinations during pregnancy

5. Labour, mechanism of labour, lie, position and presentation of the foetus, medical management of labour

6. Stages of labour, uterine activity and its disorders

7. Physiology and pathology of the third and fourth stage of labour

8. Physiology and pathology of puerperium, lactation

9. Disorders of the labour mechanisms, malpresentation of the foetus, shoulder dystocia

10. Pre-induction and induction of labour, postterm pregnancy

11. Premature labour, premature rupture of membranes

12. Placental disorders - placenta praevia, placenta accreta

13. Abnormal foetal growth - growth restriction (FGR), macrosomia

14. Caesarean section, pregnancy with a history of caesarean section

15. Peripartal foetal monitoring (intrapartal CTG - classification, indication, STAN, IFPO)

16. Operative vaginal delivery - forceps, vacuum extraction

17. Multiple pregnancy - diagnosis, pregnancy monitoring, labour management

18. Breech presentation - diagnosis, pregnancy monitoring, external cephalic version, labour management

19. Abortion vs. delivery of dead foetus, methods of termination of pregnancy in 2nd and 3rd trimester

20. Peripartal life-threating haemorrhage, DIC

21. Alloimmunization in pregnancy

22. Hypertension associated diseases in pregnancy - preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP syndrome

23. Gestational diabetes mellitus and other types of diabetes in pregnancy

24. Haematological and cardiovascular diseases in pregnancy

25. Infectious disease in pregnancy, sepsis

26. Renal and liver diseases in pregnancy

27. Oncological diseases in pregnancy

28. Obstetric analgesia and anaesthesia, pharmaceuticals administered during pregnancy

29. Postpartum adaptation of the newborn, care for the newborn in the delivery room, resuscitation of the newborn

30. Obstetric trauma (short-term, long-term complications)   GYNAECOLOGY

1. Abdominal surgery - approaches, indications (hysterectomy, salpingo-oophorectomy, salpingectomy)

2. Vaginal surgery - indications - techniques (conisation, hysterectomy)

3. Laparoscopic surgery - indications, techniques (laparoscopically assisted hysterectomy, salpingo-oophorectomy, salpingectomy)

4. Dilation and curettage, hysteroscopy - indications, description of technique

5. Assisted reproduction techniques

6. Complications of assisted reproduction

7. Endometriosis

8. Polycystic ovary syndrome

9. Amenorrhea - primary, secondary

10. Paediatric gynaecology - inflammations, bleeding, tumours

11. Congenital disorders of genitalia and their treatment

12. Urinary incontinence - definition, epidemiology, diagnostics

13. Diagnostics and therapy of stress urinary incontinence

14. Diagnostics and therapy of urgent incontinence

15. Descensus, prolaps of genitalia - risk factors (cystocele, enterocele)

16. Planned parenthood – methods of contraception, risks, benefits

17. Artificial termination of pregnancy - techniques, procedures

18. Benign tumours and precancerous lesions of the vulva

19. Malignant tumours of the vulva

20. Cervical precancerous lesions, pathogenesis, vaccination, treatment

21. Malignant Cervical Cancers - Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Staging, Diagnosis, Treatment

22. Precancerous lesions and malignancies of endometrium - epidemiology, risk factors, treatment

23. Benign tumours and malignant non-epithelial neoplasms of the uterus - epidemiology, risk factors, treatment

24. Epithelial malignancies of fallopian tube / ovarium - ethiopathogenesis, epidemiology, risk and protective factors, diagnosis

25. Epithelial malignancies of fallopian tube / ovarium - comprehensive treatment

26. Borderline ovarian tumours

27. Non-epithelial ovarian malignancies

28. Gestational trophoblastic disease

29. Molar pregnancy

30. Benign and precancerous breast disorders

31. Malignant breast neoplasms

32. Women’s life phases related to hormonal activity (newborn ... senium)

33. Hormone replacement therapy, indications, contraindications

34. Menopause, climacteric medicine - interdisciplinary issues

35. Menstrual cycle, ovulation cycle

36. Menstrual cycle disorders

37. Inflammations of the lower genital tract - diagnostics, therapy

38. Sexually transmitted diseases - diagnosis, therapy - interdisciplinary co-operation

39. Inflammations of the uterus, adnexa, pelvis - diagnostics, therapy   DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS – DIAGNOSTIC ALGORITHM, GENERAL KNOWLEDGE

1. Dif. dg. of bleeding in pregnancy, 1st, 2nd trimester

2. Dif. dg. of bleeding after delivery and in the puerperium

3. Dif. dg. of vomiting, pruritus in pregnancy

4. Dif. dg. of hypertension and seizures in pregnancy

5. Dif. dg. of shock states in obstetrics

6. Dif. dg. of fever in pregnancy, puerperium

7. Dif. dg. of anaemia and thrombocytopenia in pregnancy

8. Dif. dg. of proteinuria during pregnancy

9. Dif. dg. of abdominal pain during pregnancy

10. Dif. dg. of dyspnoea, chest pain and circulatory collapse during pregnancy, labour and puerperium

11. Dif. dg. of vaginal discharge

12. Dif. dg. of acute pelvic pain

13. Dif. dg. of chronic pelvic pain

14. Dif. dg. of ovarian tumours

15. Dif. dg. of bleeding in children and adolescents

16. Dif. dg. of bleeding in perimenopause, postmenopause

17. Dif. dg. of abdominal discomfort, ascites

18. Development of sex organs

19. Pelvic floor and pelvic floor disorders

20. Vascular supply of pelvic organs and its clinical significance

21. Topographic anatomy of pelvis and its clinical significance

22. Lymphatic drainage of the vulva, vagina, uterine cervix, uterine body, fallopian tube and ovary, breast

23. Genetic predisposition to gynaecological malignant tumours

24. Primary prevention of cervical carcinomas - vaccination

25. Screening programs in oncology in the Czech Republic

26. Legislation relating to pregnancy

27. Legislation relating to reproductive medicine

28. Artificial termination of pregnancy - legislation

29. Organization of prenatal care in Czech Republic + screening programs in pregnancy

30. Possibilities of congenital disorders detection, genetic counselling


The obstetrics and gynaecology state examination consists of an assessment of seminar paper and three oral questions. The questions are chosen from the topics in gynaecology, obstetrics and differential diagnosis including general knowledge.

Registration to state exam is possible only through SIS.