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Module of Internal Medicine - Clinical Biochemistry

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Clinical Biochemistry - 5th year

Both semesters (summer and winter) for the academic year 2013/2014


Day 1

Rational and ethical approach in laboratory examination (with focus on clinical biochemistry)

Diagnostic effectivity of laboratory testing

Request forms, reports, how to use the report, how to use reference ranges, cut-off values

Acid-base balance

Water and ion metabolism (regulation of body fluids, body compartments, hyperhydratation, dehydratation)

Clinical biochemistry in intensive care - sepsis, inlammation, SIRS.

Day 2

Acute kidney injury

 Chronic kidney diseases

Biomarkers of cardiovascular risk

Clinical biochemistry of acute coronary syndrome and of chronic heart silure

Clinical biochemistry of liver and pancreas diseases  

Day 3

Osteoporosis, metabolic bone disease

Monoclonal gammopathies


Diabetes mellitus - diagnostics and monitoring

Hypo- and hyperparathyreoidismus

Final test and analysis of test results

Total of 20 hrs

Requirements for course credit:

·100% participation in the seminars

· Successful completion of the written test

In justifiable cases it is possible to substitute one day with written work ("scientific paper") planned by agreement with the clinical biochemistry studies Guarantor. prof. MUDr. Antonín Jabor, CSc.

The clinical biochemistry studies Guarantor for the academic year 2013/2014 13.6.2013    

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Výuka formou semináře zaměřeného na principy indikace a interpretace klinicko-biochemických vyšetření. Základní oblasti zahrnují poruchy vnitřního prostředí, ledvinových funkcí, poruchy kardiovaskulárního aparátu, gastrointestinálního traktu, metabolismu a endokrinologie.