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IIC - 7. Tumours

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Syllabus of the subject ?Cancer 2008

The aim of the subject:

Learning about clinical symptoms of cancerous diseases, gaining differential diagnostics ability, determination of algorithm of staging check-up and determination of the extent of the disease and probable prognosis according to the symptoms. Further aim is to teach students complex therapy of oncogenous diseases.


In the large majority of cases, the treatment of malignant tumours is complex and highly specialized. It can be guided only by a specialist-oncologist. The training of medical students in the subject ?Cancer? is not aimed at making such specialists, only teaching of basic knowledge and practice of oncology, strictly relevant for other areas in medicine.

The teaching will be based on pathophysiological, pathological and clinical features of a particular malignant diseases. Logical approach to the relevant investigations and treatment strategy will be required.

One of the main problems in oncology is a late diagnosis of a malignancy, causing delay in instituting an appropriate treatment. It will be repeatedly stressed that tumours must not be forgotten in the differential analysis of most symptoms.

The teaching should go along following baselines:

Terminology and nomenclature of malignant diseases

Symptomatology of malignancies

Rational indication of addinitional investigation procedures including the assessment of their results

Principles of treatment modalities in oncology

Indication, timing and sequence of treatment modalities in a particular malignant disease

Explaining the necessity of a complex treatment

Basic follow-up guidelines

Possible side-efects of oncology therapy, their early diagnosis and treatment

Ways and possibilities of cancer prevetion

In view of the introduced concept of study in the 3rd Medical Faculty, there is a substantial overlap between oncology and other medical specialities.

Clinical importance:

Malignant diseases are the second cause of death in the Czech population. At present, approximately one in three persons will be diagnosed having a malignant tumor and every fifth one will die of it.

Definitions of malignant and benign tumours (characteristics)


Risk assessment and methods of risk defitition

Incidence and prevalence

Most common malignancies (acc. To age and sex)

Principles of treatment of malignant tumours:

Radical therapy


Symptomatic treatment

Sequencing and timing

Neoadjuvant, basic, adjuvant

Induction, maintenance, consolidation, salvage

Concomitan, sequential

Treatment modalities:


Oncologic surgery is part of training in general surgery.


Basic definition

Types of ionizing radiation and examples of clinical use

Absorption of ionizing radiation in the matter. Possibilities how to influence the dose distribution

Mechanism of action in malignant and healthy tissues

Teleradiotherapy vs brachytherapy

Radiotherapy planning

Definition of the target volume

Basic radiobiology

Kinetics of cell killing by ionizing radiation

Differences between healthy and malignant cell and possibilities of its positive exploration.

Total dose, dose per fraction. Overall treatment time

Hyperfractionation, hypofractionation, acceleration of radiotherapy

Dose rate and its influence on therapeutic index

Acute, chronic and late radiation toxicity

Integration of radiotherapy into a complex oncological treatment

Basic of radiobiology


Basic definition. Kinetics of oncogenous progression and respond to the effect of cytostatics. Cytostatistics groups according to mechanism of effect and chemical structure. Principles of combining cytostatics. Modes of administration, dosage, chemotherapy intensity. Timing. Resistance to cytostatics. Acute, chronic and late toxicity of chemotherapy. Integration of chemotherapy into complete oncological treatment.

Hormonal therapy

Mechanisms of effectiveness, examples of hormonally dependent tumours.

Immunotherapy and biological treatment

Principles of antitumour immunotherapy and biological treatment.

Supportive treatment

Pain. Causes and types of oncological pain. Pain degree determination. Pain treatment. Infection in oncological patients. Most frequent causes of infection. Prevention and treatment. Nutrition of oncological patients, metabolic disorders, causes and treatment. Psychological support.

Special oncology

Brain tumors

The subject also includes ?Nervous system disorders? and ?Mental changes?

Head and neck tumours


Anatomy, histopathology - Epidermoid carcinoma, Malignant lymphoma, , Adenocarcinoma, Adenoid cystic carcinoma, Mucoepidermoid carcinoma

Grouping according to anatomy (oral cavity, naso- , oro- and hypopharynx, larynx, nasal cavity and sinuses, salivary glands, ear)

Diagnosis and diferential diagnosis


Physical examination- incl. endoscopy (direct and indirect laryngoskopy, epipharyngoscopy, rhinoskopy)

Additional investigations - CT, MRI, ultrasonography of the neck

Biopsy. Indication and types

Clinical picture

Treatment ? surgery, radiotherapy, radiochemotherapy, combination of radiotherapy and surgery and/or chemotherapy with regard to organ and function saving procedures

Pain in the neck, dysphagia and odynophagia, bleeding, voice change, neck lymphadenopathy. Symptoms according to the localisation of primary lesion

Risk factors: Smoking, Alcohol abuse. Prevention.

Results and prognosis, scheme of follow-up

Tumours of the mediastinum

Also part of subjects ?Dyspnoe and pain on the chest? and ?Abdominal symptomatology - dysphagia, nausea, vomiting, regurgitation..?

Anatomy of the mediastinum, topography


Dysphagia, odynophagia, loss of weight, pain on the chest, recurrent pneumonia

Special problematics (e.g. thymoma - myasthenia gravis, aplastic anemia, hypogamaglobulinemia, collagenosis)

Basic groups

Carcinoma of the oesophagus


Neurogenic tumours

Germinal tumours


(Tumours of the thyroid gland- if thyroid localised in the mediastinum)


Histopathology of mediastinal tumours

Adenocarcinoma and epidermoid carcinoma, malignant lymphomay, adenoma, thymoma, neurogenic tumours, germinal tumours

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

History, Physical examination

Additional investigations - chest X-ray, MRI, CT of the mediastinum, esophagoscopy, mediastinoscopy, liver sonography

Differential diagnosis of enlarged mediastinum


Indication of radical and palliative treatment- in general. Surgery. Basic surgical procedures in oesophageal carcinoma. Radiotherapy- indication of radical and adjuvant radiotherapy. Brachytherapy and teletherapy. Indication of chemotherapy.

Results and prognosis

Lung carcinoma, mesothelioma

Definition and clinics- also part of the subject ?Dyspnea and pain on the chest?

Lung anatomy, physiology of gas exchange, interpretation of lung function tests

Etiology and patophysiology


Benign lung tumours

Small-cell and non-small-cell lung carcinoma


General and chest symptoms

Loss of weight, cough, dyspnea, pain on the chest, hemoptysis, stridor, superior vena cava syndrome, dysphagia, Horner´s syndrome, Pancoast syndrome

Extrathoracic symptomatology caused by metastases

Paraneoplastic symptoms

Also part of the subject ?Endocrine and metabolic disorders?

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

History, Physical examination

Additional investigations - chest X-Ray, CT, bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy and thoracoscopy, biopsy

Differential diagnossis of pleural effusion


Indication and basic thoracosurgical approaches. Radiotherapy (indication, techniques). Chemotherapy (indication, basic drugs and combinations)

Indication of ?prophylactic? cranial irradiation in small-cell lung carcinoma.

Results and prognosis


Tobacco abuse. Mesothelioma as a result of occupational hazard

Gastrointestinal tumours

Basic grouping

Carcinoma of the stomach

Tumours of the liver and subhepatic region, carcinoma of the pancreas and biliary ducts

Tumours of the small intestine

Colorectal carcinoma

Anal cancer

Anatomy of the organs of the abdomen, portal system

Lymphatic drainage of particular abdominal organs

Definition and clinics- also part of the subject ?Pain in the abdomen?

Pain, loss of appetite, loss of weight, cachexy

Nausea, vomiting, disorders of the passage up to the acute ileus

Changes in the stools habits, changes of the stools colour and consistency

Obstructive icterus, hematemesis, melaena, hypochromic anemia, fatigue, enlargement of the abdomen, bleeding

Symptoms due to hormone overproduction (carcinoid, islet-cell tumours of the pancreas)

Risk factors, genetic

Patology of GIT tumours - adenocarcinoma, malignant lymphoma, carcinoid. Islet-cell tumours of the pancreas.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

History, Physical examination incl. per rectum examination

Additional investigations: X-Ray of the stomach (double contrast method), gastroscopy, ultrasonography and CT of the abdomen, ERCP, i.v. urography, cystoscopy, colonoscopy, rectoscopy, irrigography

Importance of tumour markers in the diagnostics and follow-up of GIT carcinoma


Surgery of the stomach, intestine, lymphadenectomy

Chemotherapy- basic indication

Radiotherapy- basic indication

Biological treatment

Possibilities of screening and prevention of colorectal carcinoma


Carcinoma of the anus

Clinical picture

Anatomy of the anus and anal region, lymphatic drainage

Risk factors


History, Physical examination

Additional investigations- CT, bipedal lymphography, lung X-ray


Radiotherapy. Radio-chemotherapy. Surgery. Indication of particular tretment modalities, especially from the point of an organ and function preservation

Results and prognosis

Breast cancer

Incidence, risk factors




Independently oriented course that is part of the subject Basic Clinical Problems. The course also includes teaching of patological anatomy, patological physiology and pharmacology.

Partial course of II C module.