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IIC - 9. Bleeding

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Normal and pathology composition of blood..

Mechanisms of bleeding and its stopping under normal and patological condition..

Posthemoragic shock..

Pathology findings in each types of bleeding in different organs.

Bleeding into gastrointestinal tract.

Eye bleeding.

Bleeding in ENT organs

Bleeding into central nervous systém.

Bleeding situations in gynaecology and obstetrics

Bleeding into urogenital tract.

Bleeding into lungs and bronchi.

Pharmacological agents used in bleeding, anticoagulant treatment and its problems.



The course is interested in wide problems of bleeding from urgent life threathening situtations to the states which makes patiens and surroundings uncomfortable up to occult bleeding.

This situations will be discussed on the basis of normal and abnormal blood composition.

The course is devoted to explanation of mechanisms of bleeding and its stopping and further to the pathological findings of bleeding in different organs. Each medical disciplines as gastroenterology, pneumology, E NT, gynaecology and obstetrics, neurology and urology explain pathogenesis of the most common cause of bleeding.The importatnt part of this course is a pharmacological approach to bledeing, its stopping and anticoagulant treatment and its consequences.