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IIC - 17. Disorders of Growth and Development in Postnatal period

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The class foundation is a cycle of seminars dedicated to the developmental pathology of an individual from birth to adulthood from the point of view of the somatic growth and onset of puberty; of the child?s neuropsychological development, especially in the early age groups; and of the congenital developmental diseases of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, urogenital and respiratory systems. Among additional topics are the basics of nutrition of healthy and ailing children, including the parenteral nutrition; feeding disorders; population growth studies (monitoring of growth and development, national surveys, growth standards); management of health risks in preschool age with emphasis on preschool facilities, and stress-related health risks among schoolchildren.

Individual seminars are dedicated to the problems of handicapped children, children and adolescents endangered by their environment, such as drug abuse or child abuse, and substitute family care (adoption, etc.).


The instruction is a follow-up to the introductory course of pediatrics offered in the third year of medical studies, with addition of specific aspects of abnormal somatic, psychological and social development, applying both the theoretic and practical teaching.