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Module of Neurobehavioral Scieces - Neurology

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Tution is targeted at categorization of ill persons into 9 basic nosological classes: Cerebrovascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord, Inflammatory brain diseases, Disturbances of consciousness (vigility, sleep, epilepsy), Neuromuscular disease, Autoimmune disorders, Demencia and Higher Nervous Activity disorders, Neurooncology, Vertebrogenic disorders, Toxic affections of the Nervous system.

The second half of the course comprises electrodiagnostic methods (EEG, EMG, Evoked potentials), cerebrospinal fluid and imaging methods used in final diagnostics.

In clinical conferences systematic review of main nosological items is being taught. The seminars touch selective topics, different in each semester.


This course in an extent of 40 hours within 2 weeks includes one half tution of clinical assessment of patients and one half of learning ancillary examination methods. A systematic out-patient examination protocol, or in-patient admission protocol is being trained, considering the patient's history and the following objective examination.

Differential diagnosis and outlines of therapy are attempted. To meet these ends we offer in 2 semesters in addition to the demonstrations and exercises (40 hours m entioned above) 6 clinical conferences of 2 hours each and 4 english spoken seminars, originally intended for the clinical collective.