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Module of Neurobehavioral Scieces - Psychiatry

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Practical training on psychiatric wards (17 units)      

+ practical training and seminars focused on therapy of mental disorders  

Organic disorders I: delirium  

Organic disorders II:  dementias  

Personality  disorders  

Psychiatric interview  

Therapy of psychotic disorders  

Therapy of mood disorders   

Therapy of anxiety disorders  

Therapy od addictions  

Emergency situations in psychiatry  

Behavioural disturbances: eating disorders, sex and sleep disorders  


Organization of psychiatrc care and forensic psychiatry      

Lectures (3 units)  

Freud and Medicine  


Child Psychiatry  


Psychiatry course in the fifth year requires good psychiatric propedeutics skills and knowledge of pathophysiology of mental disorders. Students are expected to work with patients on thein own.

Students rotate in all three departments of National Institute of Mental Health: locked acute unit, open ward for treatment of affective disorders, open ward for treatment of anxiety disorders, including day treatment program for psychotic patients and for anxiety disorders. Work with clinical records is expected, including written reports on grand rounds; students perform clinical examination including its written form; participation at the psychotherapeutic and other psychosocial interventions is required.

Clinical seminars on therapy of psychiatric diseases are provided.