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State final examination - part Neurobehavioral sciences

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Psychotic disorders: acute psychopharmacotherapy, treatment of agitated patient, treatment of complications (neuroleptic extrapyramidal syndrome, neuroleptic malignant syndrome), supportive psychotherapy and psychosocial interventions, including psychoeducation for treatment compliance promotion.

Affective disorders: acute pharmacotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy; suicidal patient.

Anxiety disorders: acute pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, group treatment

Topics for seminars:

Treatment of psychotic disorders

Treatment of affective disorders

Treatment of anxiety disorders


Treatment of life-threatening situations in psychiatry

Therapy of organic disorders

Therapy in child psychiatry

Therapy of drug-induced disorders

Organization of psychiatric care

Psychological examination overview


Psychiatry course in the fifth year requires good psychiatric propedeutics skills and knowledge of pathophysiology of mental disorders. Students are expected to work with patients on thein own.

Students rotate in all three departments of Prague Psychiatric Center: locked acute unit, open ward for treatment of affective disorders, open ward for treatment of anxiety disorders, including day treatment program for psychotic patients and for anxiety disorders. Work with clinical records is expected, including written reports on grand rounds; students perform clinical examination including its written form; participation at the psychotherapeutic and other psychosocial interventions is required.

Clinical seminars on therapy of psychiatric diseases are provided.