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Modul ID - Needs of the Patient 2.

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The Course "The basic philosophy and psychology":

Lectures: Introduction to Medical Ethics (2x), History of Medicine (3x), Medical Law (2x)

Seminars: Hippocratic Oath and Corpus hippocraticum. Moshe Maimonides. Four principles of modern medical ethics. Judaism and Christianity. Convention for the protection of Human Rights and dignity of the human being with regard to the application of biology and medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine - Oviedo 1997, Interantional Code of Medical Ethics (Declaration of Geneva), Declaration of Helsinki 1964.

Autonomy of the patient.

Advance directives, DNR, living will, Health Care Proxy

The cultural context of sexuality, beauty - ugliness, cleanness - dirtiness. Narcism of the body in the past and today.

Death of the body. The problem of the death in history and nowadays. The body and spirituality.

Hospice. Death and dying. Palliative care.

Beginning of life. What is life and where does it start? The Human embryo. Embryonic stem cells. Therapeutical a Reproductive Cloning.

Visit to a rest home HAGIBOR with lecture concerning aging a problems of seniors.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Instead of these seminars you can take part in the trip to Cracow and Auschwitz/Birkenau which takes place from Friday 14th of November 2008 till Monday 17th of November 2008. For further information see

The Course "The basic knowledge and skills in nursing":

Topics - practicum

* Parenteral administering of medications, s.c. injection. Manipulation with syringe and needle.

* Administering i.m. injection.

* Blood drawing.

* Administering i.v. medication, peripheral i.v. cannula.

* Wound care, Surgical instruments, drains.

* Ostomy care.

* Practice in hospital - half of group each time.

* Practice in hospital - half of group each time.

* Student presentations - credits.


* Blood transfusion

* Pre-operative and post-operative care


The courses:

1) The general needs of the patient,

2) The communication with the patient,

3) The basic knowledge and skills in nursing,

4) First aid,

5) The basic philosophy and psychology During this first semester of the second year proceed course "The basic philosophy and psychology" and the course "The basic knowledge and skills in nursing" The basic philosophy and psychology: This course is based on knowledge received during the opening course. Students are trained to use a three step way of arguing: firstly general introduction to a given problem, biological/biochemical or medical background of certain specific problem, then so called descriptive ethics - description of different attitudes of different philosophers, philosophical schools, main religions etc. The most improtant step is the third one: an attempt to define my own stance supported by arguments. This three step method is demonstrate on plenty of case reports.