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Ethics in Nursing

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Basic terminology, nursing ethics, healthcare ethics, or medical ethics? Major ethical theories. Ethical principals in the context of healthcare (respect for autonomy, non/maleficience, beneficience, justice), ethics of clinical research.Quality of life, dignity, patient?s autonomy.Patients? rights, The Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine Confidentiality, informed consentEthics at the beginning of life - moral status of embryo and fetus, reproductive issues, abortion, genetic counselingOrgan transplantationEthical issues in psychiatry

Ethical issues in intensive care unitEthical issues at the end of life - palliative care, Advance directives, euthanasia and physician assisted suicideCare of patient with irreversible vegetative syndrome, forgoing and withdrawing life sustaining treatment Legal and moral accountability of nurses, nurses rights, maltreatment

Ethics of virtues, ethics of care


The subject is taught in the second year of the program General nurse. It follows up on the subject Philosophical foundations of nursing.

It acquaints the students with basic terminology, philosophical background of biomedical ethics, everyday ethical problems, as well as major ethical dilemmas.