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Basic Medical and Clinical Biochemistry

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


1. Year; winter semester : 5 x 2 lecture hours 1. Introduction to Biochemistry, proteins: amino acids, peptides, proteins (characteristics, structure, properties and function), principles of turnover nitrogen containing matters, amino acids, proteins (decarboxylation, deamination, transamination, urea origin)

Enzymes: characteristics, classification, structure, properties and function, coenzymes

Metabolism of saccharides: classification, properties, from medical point of view important representative, principles of turnover of saccharides ? glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, origin and degradation of glycogen, amino sugars, uric acids

Metabolism of lipids, biologically important sterols: classification, properties, from medical point of view important representative, principles of turnover of lipids, degradation and synthesi of fatty acids, turnover of lipids and phospholipids 3. Nucleic acids: DNA, RNA (mRNA, tRNA, rRNA), structure, constitution, significance, function, genetic code, trans-scription,n translation, protein synthesis, post-translation modifications, principles of molecular genetics

Cell structure: composition and function of cell membrane, transport across the membrane,

Na+-K+ ? ATPase, cell organelles and their importance 4. Biologic oxidation: energy transformation, high energy compounds, ATP a his significance for organism

Intermediary metabolism: endergonic, exergonic and amphibolic processes, citric cycle, respiratory chain, significance of acetyl-CoA and intermediate products of citric cycle, origin and turnover of keton bodies

Regulation of biochemical processes at the level of organism and cell level: cell compartments, receptors, significance and function of cAMP, cGMP, fosfatidylinositol´s, hormones, back feed regulation, examples 5. Hormones and their function: classification, function, examples

Introduction to the Clinical Chemistry: definition of clinical chemistry, pre-analytical, analytical, post analytical phase 1. Year; summer semester: 5 x 2 lecture hours 1. Biochemical function of blood, respiration and kidneys: blood composition ? plasmatic proteins, biochemistry of respiration (structure and function of haemoglobin and myoglobin, examination of blood ? plasma, serum, biochemical aspects of kidney function, urine origin, examination of urine (pre-analytical phase) 2. Biochemical function of gastro-intestinal tract, liver and pancreas: biochemistry of indigestion and absorption, nutrition-significance for organism, vitamins, origin and significance of bile, biochemical examination of GIT 3. Biochemical significance of examination of body fluids and minerals Internal environment and Acid Base Balance (ABB): composition, changes, kidney?s participation on keeping stable internal environment, ABB examination (pre-analytical phase) 4. Biochemistry of extracellular matrix, muscle, nervous cell: structure of extracellular matrix (collagen, elastin, proteoglycans) specialized extracellular matrix ? cartilage, bone, significance, function, structure of muscle cell, biochemical base of muscle contraction and relaxation, nervous regulation of muscle activity, structure of nervous cell, synapses, principle of transfer of nervous excitement

Principles of medical immunology: antigen, antibody, immune reaction, principle of immune-chemical examination methods 5. Molecular principle of tumour illnesses: growth, tumour growth, tumour markers

Disturbances of metabolism of saccharides, lipids, AMA


The goal of this object is to take up students with Selected Chapters of Medical Biochemistry and subsequently also with Introduction to the Clinical Chemistry to the extent of requirement of open cover nurse. The contents of Selected Chapters of Medical Biochemistry is definition of conception (Chemical repetitorium e.g. re-enactment) to the understanding of principles of general biochemistry which is necessary for successful management of problems of metabolic pathways in human being organism. In Introduction to the Clinical Chemistry are forced subjects which are in competence of top manager of NLZP e.g. pre-analytical (set-up patients instruction, withdrawal of biologic material and his pre-analytical processing out of the lab), analytical (automation, consolidation and harmonisation of laboratory processing, accreditation, POCT, molecular diagnostics, lab activity organisation) and post-analytical phase of laboratory examination (IT systems, control activity, presentation and interpretation of results of laboratory examination), system of quality control assessment in laboratory medicine. ISO CSN norms and metrology in laboratory medicine. The students take up with technologies and spectra of methods of examination in clinical chemistry.

The attendance course consist of lectures in first year of study (10 times two hour lectures ? 5 in Winter semester and 5 in summer semester, specification of requirements for study hour, consultation). In the second year of study follows in form of 5 three hours blocks of seminars and practical training.