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Nursing in Rehabilitation

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Rehabilitation nursing, different components of rehabilitation (medical, social, pedagogical and vocational). History. Basic terms. The role of a nurse in rehabilitation process.

- Rehabilitation nursing.

- Different kinds of positioning.

- Practice of positioning in different diagnoses (stroke, spinal cord injury, post injury and operation conditions,amputees, heart and lung conditions, etc.)

- Passive and active excercises, breathing excercises to improve physical condition and prevent a hypokinetic disease

- Occupational therapy - training of activities of daily living, self-sufficiency, communication and education

- Manipulation with the patient, use of back school principles

- Verticalisation of the patient, gait with technical aids

- Basic procedures of evaluation and therapy in rehabilitation

- Medical rehabilitation with children and seniors


"Modul of rehabilitation nursing".

The subject is focused on adoption of both theoretical and practical procedures of rehabilitation nursing. One week practice at different clinical settings follows.

Principles of rehabilitation nursing - positioning, passive and active excersises for physical condition, breathing excersises, self-sufficiency, manipulation with the patient,gait with technical aids.