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Intervention Programmes, Health Promotion Counselling Centres

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Health promotion and protection, health education - definitions.

Health policy, basic documents of WHO, EU, MoH CR on health promotion.

Health status of the population of the CR and EU.

Planning and implementation of health promotion projects. Examples of nationwide intervention projects.

Elaboration of model projects in groups according to chosen topics (nutrition, physical activity, smoking, accidents, HV/AIDS, Health Promoting School, Health Promoting Entreprise, etc.).

Methods applied in health promotion counselling, behavioural approaches to counselling.

Recommended strategies in counselling on nutrition, physical activity, smoking cessation, stress management and prevention of burnout in health professionals and counsellors.

Evaluation of health promotion projects, financing, Manual of Health Promotion Projects of the MoH CR.

Presentation of model health promotion projects.


The course focus on counselling applied in health promotion counselling centres. It presents basic concepts on health promotion and health education and strategies of planning and implementation of health promotion projects and recommended procedures related to counselling on nutrition, physical activity, smoking cessation and stress management.