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Hygiene of Nutrition

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


- Importance and need for major nutrients (proteins, lipids, saccharides, minerals, trace elements, and vitamins, etc.)

- Food composition. Nutritive and hygienic importance of various food groups

- Alimentary infections and intoxications of microbial origin (salmonellosis, shigellosis, campylobacteriosis and other bacterial alimentary diseases - epidemiology, clinical picture, preventive measures; parasitic infections; viral infections; transmissive spongiform encephalopathy; alimentary intoxications)

- Microbiological testing of food and food processing facilities

- Microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and its importance

- Nutritional toxicology. Toxic substances in food. Toxins of natural origin in food. Mushroom poisoning. Changes in food associated with technological procedures. Biotransformation and interaction of toxic matters in an organism.

- Issues related to articles of daily use

- Analysis of health risks in nutrition

- Care for food safety in the Czech Republic and abroad

- Legislation on nutritional hygiene in the food industry

- Hygienic requirements for food processing and catering facilities. Rules of good production and hygienic practice, HACCP system and its practical application. Preventive and common hygienic surveillance.


A basic course in nutritional hygiene for those wishing to enter the field of public health protection. Students will be introduced topics related to nutritional hygiene including nutritional toxicology, microbiology and epidemiology, as well as the basics of nutritional physiology and food chemistry.

Analysis of health risks related to nutrition and food safety are also part of the course. Current legisalation is emphasised.