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Preventive Medicine

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Prevention of disturbances of health and healthy development in children and youth (biological and social determinants of growth and development, disorders of neuropsyhic development, nutrition in children and youth, health risks in children and youth in child facilities, social pathology, health promoting schools, health promotion programmes, preventive examinations

Prevention of disturbances of health in population groups at work (work hygiene, impact of work and working conditions on health, health risks at work, industrial intoxications, work accidents, safety and health protection at work, factory health service, occupational diseases, working abroad in health demanding regions)

Role of physical activity in prevention and treatment (influence of regular physical activity on the organism, physical activity in specific population groups, physical activity in prevention of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, load examination, basic principles of prescription of the physical activity programme)


The subject is taught in the winter and summer semester of the 2nd year. The subject focuses on the issues of protection and promotion of health of different population groups.

Students will be informed about general principles of prevention, with the focus on evaluation of health risks and possible prevention of those risks. The instruction is based on evidence based principles.