Breastfeeding promotion, protection and support in the Baby-Friendly Hospital
WHO/UNICEF recommendation on breastfeeding and infant feeding, prevalence of breastfed infants in CR, WHO/UNICEF Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative - 10 steps to successful breastfeeding, physiology of lactation, lactation management and counselling in maternity hospital (incl. intensive care unit), follow-up care for breastfeeding mothers, International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.
Health promotion in schoolchildren
Health risks in schoolchildren, school readiness, sources of stress in school and its impact on health, screening and management of anxiety, learning and behavioural disorders, Health Promoting School Programme, health promotion and health education, collaboration with parents, specialists.
Prevention of social pathology in children and youth
Personality and social development, emotional and social needs in children and youth, emotional and behavioural disturbances, role of the family and school in prevention of mental health and social problems in children and adolescents.
Prevention of drug abuse in children and adolescents
Classification of psychoactive drugs, predictors of drug abuse, categories of youth at risk, psychosocial and environmental risk factors, primary, secondary, tertiary prevention, principal models of health and drugs education.
Součást modulu oborů preventivního lékařství. Blok výuky zaměřený na hodnocení rizika poškození zdraví dětí a mládeže.