2. Operační léčba lokte, předloktí, zápěstí a ruky
3. Operační léčba poranění pánve, acetabula a kyčle
4. Endoprotetika kyčle
5. Revizní endoprotetika kyčle, pooperační rehabilitace
6. Operační léčba stehna, kolena a bérce
7. Operační léčba hlezna a nohy
1. Surgical treatment of disorders of the shoulder
2. Surgical treatment of disorders of the elbow and hand
3. Surgical treatment of pelvic, acetabular and hip injuries
4. Hip arthroplasty
5. Revision hip arthroplasty, postoperative rehabilitation
6. Surgical treatment of disorders of the femur, knee and crus
7. Surgical treatment of disorders of the ankle and foot
The course "Operative treatment of disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system" is focused on presentation of options of the operative treatment of orthopaedic diseases and affections after severe injuries to the musculoskeletal apparatus. It provides an overview of typical clinical complaints, the basic diagnostics based on physical examination and imaging methods, the method of planning of operative treatment and of individual surgical procedures.