2. Personality of the Medical Student: motivation to study medicine, change of empathy during medical studies, choice of medical specialization
3. Personality of the Physician: physician's ethos, maturity, physician's virtues, moral responsibility, perfectionism, narcissism, physician's position of power
4. Physician and Society: Development of the Medical Profession and Ethics, Doctor-Patient Relationship in the 21st Century, Disappointed Physicians and Demanding Patients
5. Ethics of the doctor-patient relationship: interest and disinterest in the patient, the need for the doctor's success, the boundaries of helping professions
6. Responsibility and Ethics: selfmedication, promise of secrecy and the Internet
7. Moral intelligence: how to cultivate good in us, ethics of virtue, ethical inspiration
1. Ethics of Medical Studies: cheating during study and examinations, aversion of students of other disciplines towards medical students and vice versa2. Personality of the Medical Student: motivation to study medicine, change of empathy during medical studies, choice of medical specialization3. Personality of the Physician: physician's ethos, maturity, physician's virtues, moral responsibility, perfectionism, narcissism, physician's position of power4. Physician and Society: Development of the Medical Profession and Ethics, Doctor-Patient Relationship in the 21st Century, Disappointed Physicians and Demanding Patients5. Ethics of the doctor-patient relationship: interest and disinterest in the patient, the need for the doctor's success, the boundaries of helping professions6. Responsibility and Ethics: selfmedication, promise of secrecy and the Internet7. Moral intelligence: how to cultivate good in us, ethics of virtue, ethical inspiration
The course offers students ethical themes that are directly related to the personality of a medical student and physician. Students will be acquainted with topics of personality ethics and with overlapping topics of ethics and psychology.