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Medical Ethics

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Basic terminology, medical ethics healthcare ethics, bioethics, ethical theories, ethical dilemma

Ethical principals in the context of healthcare (respect for autonomy, beneficience, non-maleficience, justice, truth telling, confidentiality)

Patients rights

Quality of life

Dignity, privacy

Excursion to long term care facility, care of patients in irreversible vegetative state, artificial nutrition and hydration

Informed consent, AMA documents, informing the patients about prognosis

Decision making at the end of life, Advance directives, euthanasia

Ethical issues of death and dying ? palliative, terminal, spiritual car

Genetic counseling, assisted reproduction, abortion, neonatology

Organ transplantation, donor issues, transplant tourism

Psychiatric patient ? involuntary hospitalization, dementia and autonomy


The subject is taught in the first year of the program Physiotherapy. It acquaints the students with the basic terminology, philosophical background of biomedical ethics, everyday ethical problems, as well as major ethical dilemmas.