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Hygiene and Epidemiology

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


* Introduction to the preventice medicine. Health determinants.

Tools for preventive approaches. * Living environment, lifestyle, preventive programs, determinant of health status. Indicators of environmental pollution and their adverse health effects. WHO - Health for all in 21.

Century. Health risk analysis. * Measures and evaluation of physical burden during the working process.

Criteria of overloading. Prevention of health problems from the overloading. * Influence of working conditions on health of health care workers.

Occupation related diseases. * Health problems of children and adultory. Basic demands of child, its development and the environmental factors influencing the health status of the child. * Principes of regular nutrition. * Infection epidemiology.

Sporadic, endemic and epidemic related diseases. * HIV-AIDS - History, definition, situation in the Czech Rep. * desinfection and sterilization. * exanthematic diseases, Nosocomial infections.


Problematics of general hygiene and epidemiology necessary for health care workers. Primary prvention tools. .