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Physical Training 1

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


All the sport classes and courses are taught by the Department of physical education of Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. There is a wide offer of sports within the optional subject Physical Training. Sports are devided into 6 categorise for better overview:

1. tennis, table-tennis, squash, golf2. sport games - volleyball, basketball, football, floorbal3. fittness - circuit training, aerobic, pillates, yoga, health oriented PE, fitness4. swimming5. boxing, kickboxing, self defence6. outdoor sports (climbing, kayaking, cycling etc.) First, you enroll into optional subject Physical Training (1-6) in SIS and next, you enroll into particular class (sport) via our web application "kolweb" according to the semestral timetable. Further information can be found at the website of the department (


Physical education helps to develop basic and specific motor skills and maintains physical condition as well as deepens knowledge about particular sport and general sport training. Students can choose from wide offer of sports offered by the Department of Physical Education of Second Faculty of Medicine.