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IA - Physiology II.

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


2nd year , summer term - lectures

Synaptic receptors, neurotransmitters and brain modulators, energetical brain metabolism, barrier CNS mechanisms

Electrophysiological methods using in diagnosis

Physiology and pathophysiology of pain.

Function of the spinal cord and cerebellum and brain stem.

Function of the midbrain, basal ganglia and thalamus

Function of limbic system, function of the cerebral cortex

Unvoluntary and voluntary behaviour, learning and memory, development of behaviour,physiology of consciousness and sleep

Physiology of the somato-sensory system. Physiology of proprioception and motor system

Physiology of visceral and neurohumoral regulations

Physiology of the visual system

Physiology of the auditory and vestibular system. Physiology of olfactory and taste systems

Physiology of extraordinary situations, ecological physiology,the research trends in recent physiology 2nd year , summer term - practical exercises

Spinal hemisyndrome

Reflexes in man, examination of the reaction time,

SEMINARY: The function of spinal cord, subcortical structures and brain cortex

Spontaneous bioelectrical activity, the principles of stereotaxy

Pain learning and memory

SEMINARY: Pain, somesthesia

Perimetry and ophtalmoscopy

Visual acuity, accommodation,

Purkyně images, color vision

Examination of hearing. Cutaneous sensations.

SEMINARY: Sensory systems


After finishing of several themes, the conferences are always organized together with other subjects which are taught in Modul IA, i.e. anatomy, histology and embryology, biochemistry and physiology, togedher with clinicians. They are 8 conferences. 2nd year , summer term

Nervous systém I, Regulation of motoc function

Nervous system II, Sensory organs



The physiology is an intellectual and experimental subject which uses basic knowledge of molecular biology, physics and biochemistry and transforming them to practical use in medicine. The interpretation of physiological proceses asks a perfect knowledge of morphological discipliens, i.e. anatomy, histology and embryology.