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Urogynecology and modern surgical miniinvasive treatment

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Pelvic floor anatomy

Mechanism of urine incontinence

Diagnosis and technical equipment

Conservative and surgical treatment of incontinence


Urinary incontinence (UI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) significantly disrupts the lives of about 5% of homedwelling adults (400 000 corrective surgical procedures every year in USA). It is a common problem at all ages but is most prevalent in the elderly.

According to the Continence Foundation, one in four women and one in nene men wil suffer from urinary incontinence that affects their quality od life, at some stage of their lives. This course is intended for students in 3.4. and 5. year of study.

Basics of pelvic anatomy, etiology and pathopysiology of UI and POP and treatment (surgical and pharmacologic management) in urogynecology will be teached during thsi course. There will be an theoretical introduction.

After this session the student will observe practical use of endoscopy.There will be video presentations of different gynecological operations. Also life surgery could be observed and discussed.

The aim of this course is to provide to the students basic knowledge about principles of endoscopic techniques in gynecology.