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Medical Ethics for Intermediate

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Friday evening: Lectures (in czech language only!): Problems of personhood at both ends of human life. Assisted Reproduction., surrogate motherrhood. prenatal diagnosis.  

Movies + discussions. : 

Saturday: Exkursion to the hospice in Rajhrad (plus lectures)  

Lectures: Hospice movement 

Problems of the end of the human life: euthanasia, advance directives, dysthanasia, care and cure. 

Saturday evening: colloquium and the end of the meeting (we recommand you to stay till sunday) 


Weekend May, 2 - May, 4 2013 for students, who would like to receive a deeper knowledge of medical ethics. Lectures, movies, discussions, excursion to the hospice in Rajhrad (near Brno, region of Moravia).