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General Hygiene I.

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Environment and health rlationship. Monitoring and regulation.

Understanding and use of limit values. Biomonitoring of exposure to environmental contaminants. International and national activities. Environmental health monitoring system in the Czech Republic.

Living environment - hygienic demands on health care facilities, adverse health effects of indoor factors in hospitals. Hospitalism.

Smoking and human health. Antismoking activities, substitution therapy.

Air pollution and health - sources, health effects, prevention.

Water, soil, wastes, source, environmental pollution, health effects, prevention.

Bathing waters, water for infants, minral waters. likvidace. Recyklace a další využití. Odpady zdravotnických zařízení a jejich odstraňování.

Principes of radiation protection.


Bachelors´study program, public health 2. year, combined form.

General hygiene - environmental pollution, air pollution, drinking water and the requirement on zits quality and safety, wastes, hygiene of health care facilities, syndrome of sick buildings. occupational hygiene, occupational health, radiation protection, legislation. System of monitoring of environmental health in the Czech Republic.