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Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


LECTURES   1. Statistical concepts and terms, statistical inference

     Statistics in medical sciences

     Logic of statistical reasoning (observations vs. hypotheses)

     Important steps in the application of statistics

     Population - sample, sampling techniques

     Representativity of the sample

     Principles of statistical testing

     Statistical hypothesis and significance level

     Mathematical tools for planning surveys and experiments, sample size determination

     One-sided and two-sided hypotheses

     Types of variables

     Descriptive statistics (characteristics of location and variability)

     Probability, distribution

     Point and interval estimation, standard error

     Confidence interval

     One-sample, two-sample, and paired tests

     Parametrical and non-parametrical tests    2. Statistical methods in medical research

     Testing hypotheses concerning the location (t-test, Wilcoxon test, analysis of variance)  

     Contingency and 2-by-2 tables, methods for comparison of proportions

     Chi-square test, Fisher' and McNemar tests, test for trend

     Association between two variables: correlation, regression

     Advanced statistical methods in epidemiology (logistic regression, censored data, survival analysis) 

     Evaluation of diagnostic and screening tests (sensitivity and specificity, cut-off point)

     Basic types of studies used in epidemiology and related statistical models for their evaluation

     Confounding, bias, precision

     Interpretation of results of statistical procedures    3.  Self-study

     Vital statistics, rates and ratios

     Odds ratio, relative risk, attributable risk      


 Descriptive statistics and statistical inference: types of variables, characteristics of location and variability, standard error, histogram, point and interval estimation, confidence interval, probability distribution (binomial, Poisson, normal), population and sample, sampling methods

 Statistical testing: statistical inference: testing statistical hypotheses, p-value, significance level, statistical tests for continuous variables: parametric and nonparametric tests, t-test and Wilcoxon test (one-sample, two-sample, paired), analysis of variance (ANOVA), F-test, Statistical tests for categorical variables: contingency table, chi-square test, McNemar test, planning: power of statistical test, sample size determination, type I and type II errors

Statistical association: statistical association: correlation, linear regression, logistic regression, Classification and classificators

Observational trials, bias and confounding: Statistical methods in epidemiology: epidemiological measures of risk and corresponding confidence intervals, confounding, interpretation, Evaluation of data from surveillance and registries, multiplicity testing

Advanced statistical methods: Survival analysis: clinical trials, Kaplan-Meier curve, log-rank test, practical use of statistics: statistics in published medical papers


The subject covers introduction to biostatistics, principles of statistical reasoning, testing, and interpretation of the analyses.