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Structure and function of the human body

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Courses of the Module Body Course 1 – Locomotion (7 weeks) Lectures Structure

1. Introduction to morphology

2. General osteology and bones of limbs

3. General arthrology

4. General myology and muscles of limbs

5. General neurology and spinal nerves

6. Axial skeleton and pelvis as a whole

7. Skull and development of head and neck I

8. Skull and development of head and neck II

9. Muscles and nerves of head and neck

10. Muscles and nerves of thorax and back

11. Muscles and nerves of abdomen and pelvic floor Function

1. History and present state of physiology. Introduction to experimental propedeutics

2. Calcium and its significance in the bone metabolism

3. Physiology of the muscle function, properties of the excitatory tissues, action potentials. The muscle tone, force and work.

4. Metabolism of muscle cells Seminars a Practices Structure

1. Bones of upper limb - Practices

2. Joints of upper limb - Practices

3. Bones of lower limb - Practices

4. Joints of lower limb - Practices

5. Muscles and nerves of limbs

6. Axial skeleton and pelvis as a whole - Practices

7. Skull – bones - Practices

8. Skull – topography I - Practices

9. Skull – topography II - Practices

10. Muscles and nerves of head and neck - Practices

11. Muscles and nerves of thorax and back - Practices

12. Muscles and nerves of abdomen and pelvic floor - Practices Function

1. The principles of experimental work, experimental protocol, scientific information - Practices

2. The use and handling with experimental animals, the basic principles of statistics - Practices

3. Surgical technique on a model - Practices

4. Surgical and injection technique on the animal, autopsy of the rat, tracheal and vascular cannulation I - Practices

5. Surgical and injection technique on the animal, autopsy of the rat, tracheal and vascular cannulation II - Practices

6. Demonstration of neuromuscular sample and myographic curve. The resting and action potential of the muscles.– Practices

7. Function of muscles and bones - Seminar

8. Biochemistry of bones and muscles - Practices Conference Course 2 – Digestion (3 weeks) Lectures Structure

1. Development of head and neck

2. Digestive system I – oral cavity, teeth and pharynx

3. Digestive system II – developmewnt of tube and glands

4. Digestive system III – tube

5. Digestive system IV – glands and peritoneum Function

1. Gastrointestinal physiology I

2. Gastrointestinal Physiology II

3. Biochemistry of the digestive tract

4. Biochemistry of the liver

5. Intermediary metabolism relationships Seminars a Practices Structure

1. Digestive system I – oral cavity, teeth and pharynx - Practices

2. Digestive system II – tube I

3. Digestive system III – tube II

4. Digestive system IV – development of tube and glands

5. Digestive system V – glands and peritoneum

6. Digestive system – anatomical preparations - Practices

7. Digestive system – histological preparations I- Practices

8. Digestive system – histological preparations II - Practices Function

1. Detection of amylase in saliva and urine – Practices

2. Measurement of subcutaneous fat. Nutrition physiology - Practices

3. Function of gastrointestinal tract - Seminar

4. Digestion, liver, jaundice - Practices Conference Course 3 – Respiration and blood (2 weeks) Lectures Structure

1. Respiratory system I

2. Respiratory system II Function

1. Function of blood and blood plasma, erythropoietic organs

2. Blood elements, haemocoagulation, blood groups

3. Physiology of respiration I

4. Physiology of respiration II Seminars a Practices Structure

1. Respiratory system I

2. Respiratory system II

3. Respiratory system – anatomical preparations - Practices

4. Respiratory system – histological preparations - Practices Function

1. Determination of haemoglobin, hematocrite, counting of the erythrocytes and calculation of its values, erythrocyte sedimentation rate - Practices

2. Counting of leukocytes, blood groups, capillary fragility. APTT, Quick test - Practices

3. Blood I

4. Blood II

5. Spirometry - Practices

6. Mechanisms of breathing - Practices

7. Functions of respiratory system - Seminar

8. Biochemistry of respiration - Seminar Conference Course 4 – Excretion and reproduction (3 weeks) Lectures Structure

1. Upper urinary tract and its development

2. Lower urinary tract and its development

3. Reproductive system - development

4. Male genital system

5. Female genital system

6. Nutrition of embryo and fetus Function

1. Physiology of kidneys I

2. Physiology of kidneys II

3. Biochemistry of kidneys

4. Metabolism of water and minerals

5. Acid-base balance Seminars a Practices Structure

1. Upper urinary tract and its development

2. Lower urinary tract and its development

3. Reproductive system - development

4. Male genital system

5. Female genital system

6. Nutrition of embryo and fetus

7. Excretion and reproduction – anatomical preparations - Practices

8. Excretion and reproduction – histological preparations I - Practices

9. Reproduction – histological preparations II - Practices Function

1. Osmotic polyuria. Intestinal motility - Practices

2. Physiology of kidneys - Seminar

3. Chemical examination of urine - Practices

4. Acid-Base Balance, Astrup - Seminar Conference Course 5 – Topographical dissection of limbs Structure

1. Dissection of upper limb (1st day)

2. Dissection of lower limb (2nd day)

3. Dissection of both limb nerves (3rd day)

4. Dissection of both limb vessels (4th day)

5. Dissection of limb topographical sites (5. den)

6. Dissection of limb (6th day)

7. Dissection of limb (7th day) Summer semester Course 6 – Circulation (4 weeks) Lectures Structure

1. Heart and its development I

2. Heart and its development II

3. Arterial system and its development I

4. Arterial system II

5. Venous system and its development

6. Lymphatic system I

7. Lymphatic system II Function

1. Heart revolution. Cardiac action potential. Cardiac electrical activity

2. Blood pressure, haemodynamics

3. Microcirculation. Lymphatic system. Specific blood circulatory systems

4. Fetal circulation. Regulation of the heart and vessel activities

5. Biochemistry of the heart and blood vessels - Practices Seminars a Practices Structure

1. Heart and its development

2. Heart – conducting system and vessels - Practices

3. Arterial system I

4. Arterial system II

5. Venous system

6. Lymphatic system I

7. Lymphatic system II

8. Circulation – histological preparations - Practices

9. Circulation – anatomical preparations - Practices Function

1. Blood pressure measurement - Practices

2. Changes of the heart rate and blood pressure after physical load - Practices

3. ECG - Practices

4. Measurement of cardiovascular parameters - Practices

5. Heart and circulation

6. Biochemistry of cardiovackular diseases - Seminar Conference Course 7 – Regulation 1: Nervous system (6 weeks) Lectures Structure

1. Introduction to nervous system

2. Spinal cord

3. Brainstem

4. Skull and cranial nerves I

5. Skull and cranial nerves II

6. Cerebellum and mesencephalon

7. Diencephalon

8. Basal ganglia

9. Cerebral cortex

10. Autonomic nervous system

11. Brain ventricles, meninges and vessels

12. CNS – tracts

13. CNS – limbic system and circuits Function

1. General principles of neurophysiology

2. Receptors and mediators in CNS

3. Electrophysiological methods

4. Spinal cord, brain stem, cerebellum

5. Functions of midbrain, basal ganglia and diencephalon

6. Functions of limbic system and cortex

7. Pain

8. Physiology of somatosensory system, motor system and proprioception

9. Learning and memory. Physiology of sleep, chronobiology

10. Physiology of visceral and neurohumoral regulations

11. Biochemical aspects of brain function Seminars a Practices Structure

1. Development and internal structure of nervous system

2. Spinal cord

3. Brainstem

4. Skull and cranial nerves I

5. Skull and cranial nerves II

6. Cerebellum and mesencephalon

7. Diencephalon

8. Basal ganglia

9. Cerebral cortex

10. Autonomic nervous system

14. Brain ventricles, meninges and vessels

11. CNS – tracts and circuits

12. Nervous system – anatomical preparations - Practices

13. Nervous system – histological preparations - Practices Function

1. EEG in man - Practices

2. Reflexes in men. Reaction time - Practices

3. Chronic constriction injury - Practices

4. Learning and memory - Practices

5. Evaluation of pain - Practices

6. CNS I


8. CNS III - Practices Conference Course 8 – Senses (1 week) Lectures Structure

1. Eye

2. Ear and temporal bone

3. Smell, taste and touch Function

1. Physiology of visual system

2. Physiology of hearing. Chemical senses

3. Biochemistry of sensory perception Seminars a Practices Structure

1. Eye

2. Ear and temporal bone

3. Smell, taste and touch

4. Senses – histological preparations - Practices Function

1. Perimetry, errors of refraction - Practices

2. Accommodation. Color vision. Tests of hearing - Practices

3. Senses Course 9 – Regulation II: Endocrinology (4 weeks) Lectures Structure

1. Endocrine glands

2. Fetal period and delivery

3. Skin and mammary gland Function

1. General endocrinology. The feedback. Regulation of hormone secretion

2. Hormones of hypothalamus and hypophysis

3. Thyriod and parathyroid hormones

4. Hormones of adrenal medulla and adrenal cortex. Stress

5. Male and female hormones. Pregnancy and lactation

6. Endocrine function of the pancreas and GIT

7. Influence of hormones on metabolism

8. Biochemistry of exceptional situations

9. Thermoregulation


The thematically integrated approach in the teaching of the normal structure (anatomy, histology and embryology) and function (physiology and biochemistry) of the human body is employed in following courses:

1) Locomotion

2) Digestion

3) Respiration and blood

4) Excretion and Reproduction

5) Dissection of limbs

6) Cicrculation

7) Regulation 1: Nervous system

8) Senses

9) Regulation 2: Endocrine system

10) Dissection of body