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General Practice II.

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


General practice as an incorporating, attractive and developing field

The work of the general practitioner and its specificities

Prevention, screening, diagnosis and curative measures in the GP's office

The position of the general practitioner in the Czech health system

Communication between different segemtns of the health and social system from the perspective of the GP

Outpatient care for polymorbid and chronic patients in the 21st century

Health and social issues - assessment, pensions, spas, home care

The role of the doctor in the community

Communication in the GP practice and its difficulties

Doctor-patient, doctor-family, doctor-doctor, doctor-medical staff communication

The importance and limits of EBM in general practice

Relevance of best practice guidelines in practice

Science and research in GP

Field medicine without complement - differential diagnosis and treatment without diagnosis

Bio-psycho-socio-spiritual model of human health

The patient as a person and as part of a family system, not just a set of diagnoses

Geriatrics in general practice

Palliative care in general practice - dying at home

Psychosomatics as an integral part of 21st century medicine and the daily bread of the GP

Rural medicine as an opportunity for self-fulfilment, including research and academic career

Mental and physical health of the physician

Specialisation in the field and the path to your own practice

Internship in GP surgeries of supervisors


The course General Practice II is a continuation of the course General Practice I. taught in the 5th year.

It consists of a one-week internship in a general practitioner's surgery and a final credit seminar where students, facilitated by the lecturer, will report to other colleagues on their internships and present their case studies from their internships.