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Important States in Internal Medicine and Selected Pharmacotherapeutical Chapters

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Syllabus - Important States in Internal Medicine and Selected Pharmacotherapeutical Chapters

Cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias - how to recognize and treat them. Cardiomyopathy - classification, clinical presentation, diagnostics and therapy. Arrhythmias, clasiification, how to recognize them, new treatment methods.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus - news in treatment, screening and prevention of the disease.

Hypertension and the treatment methods. How to indicate antihypertensive drugs, combinations, side effects.

Treatment of pain within the course of rheumatoid diseases. Rheumatoid diseases and the pain, how to treat it.

Differential diagnostics of comatose states. Multiorgan failure. Pathophysiology and clinical presentation of comatose states, diagnostics and treatment.

Ascites, toxic liver injury (chemical substances, medicaments, mushrooms). Ascites - clinical symptomatology, diagnostics and treatment. Toxic liver injury - pathogenesis, clinical presentation, lab and imaging examination methods.

Secondary affection of kidneys within the course of internal diseases. Many internal diseases could cause renal impairment - diabetes, hypertension, poisonings, rheumatoid diseases... clinical presentation, diagnostics and treatment.

Acid-base balance and its disorders. Practical lecture how to recognize the disturbances in acid-base balance and how to treat them.

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Clinical presentation, diagnostics and treatment.

Treatment of the lipid disorders. How to use the drugs, benefits and risks.

Infective endocarditis. Basic echocardiographic records - recapitulation.

Toxicology I. First-aid treatment and further therapy of acute poisonings - general principles. Acids and alkali ingestion. Lead and mercury poisoning. Pesticides poisoning (organophosphorous compound and carbamate poisoning, coumarin rodenticides poisoning). Ethylene glycol, methanol and ethanol poisoning.

Toxicology II. Organic solvents poisoning (petrol, toluene, trichlorethylene, benzene, tetrachloromethane). Carbon monooxide, hydrocyanic acid and cyanides poisoning. Causes of methemoglobinemia (aminobenzene, nitrobenzene, drugs). Mushroom toxins poisoning. Medication-induced poisoning (benzodiazepine, paracetamol, morphin, cyclic antidepressants).