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Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Students are taught in two-week blocks according to the schedule. The opening is Monday at 7.40 am at the Library of the Urology Clinic , the following days the lessons begin at 7.00 am ward of at the Urology Department. Practical training takes place at the wards, ambulances including specialized and operating theaters. Seminars are held at the clinic's library or clinic.

The first week of the internship is the theoretical block of seminars in which all the basic chapters of practical urology and pediatric urology are discussed. Content of lectures and seminars: Diagnostic algorithms in urology, examination methods, prdiatric urology, urological surgery, trauma in urology, neurogenic bladder, urodynamics, oncology, uroinfection, urolithiasis. Already in the initial theoretical block, the first three hours are devoted to practical training of communicating with the patient, keeping the ward and ambulance documentation.

The second week of the internship is devoted to independent practical activities at the ward and outpatient clinic in cooperation with experienced doctors and under the guidance of senior urologist. Part of the internship is also an introduction to the work at the operating theater. During the internship, a course of basic surgical skills is carried out, including sewing and use of laparoscopic trainers.

Absence from internships is tolerated to the extent determined by the Measure of the Head of the Urology Clinic 2. LF UK No. 1/2011.

The exam in urology usually takes place on Friday of the second week, the second day is chosen only exceptionally. Registration for the exam in SIS. Students who do not use this term can register in SIS for another scheduled term. The list of oral exam topics is available online and covers the topics presented in the theoretical lectures.


Principle areas of practical urology and pediatric urology. Examination methods in urology, oncourology.