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Summer holidays training in nursing

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


The subject is outlined as practical. Summer experience runs at the internal or chirurgical departments where the healthcare is provided to adult patients. The nursing practice will take place in hospitals in home countries. The practice is focused on enhancing and consolidation of previously gained knowledge and skills in nursing procedures.

Content focus:

- Hygienic care and prevention of pressure bedsores;

- Dressings and dressing technique;

- Activity and exercise;

- Monitoring and measurement of physiological functions;

- Communication with the patient;

- Disinfection and sterilization, hand hygiene;

- The administration of medication;

- Injections i.d., s.c., i.m. and i.v.;

- Biological material taking (collection);

- i.v. inputs for intermittent and continuous infusion and care, rate of administration and control infusion, administration of total parentheral nutrition;

- Applications transfusion, postoperative autotransfusions;

- Oxygenation support;

- The introduction of nasogastric probes, flushing nasogastric tube, removing nasogastric tube;

- Enteral nutrition: tube insertion for feeding, medication administration probe;

- Removal of fecal impaction, stoma care, colostomy irrigation;

- Catheterisation men and women, urinary stoma, continuous urinary lavage, suprapubic catheter;

- Wound care;

- Preparing a patient for surgery;

- Post-operative care.


The subject is framed as practical. Summer holidays training takes place in contracted medical facilities either internal of surgical where care is provided to adult hospitalized patients.

Practice is focused on deepening and fixation of previously acquired knowledge and skills in nursing procedures and interventions in hospitalized patients.