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Forensic Medicine

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Forensic Medicine - Syllabus

Death certification

Types of autopsies


Child abuse and neglect

Doctor as witness

Doctor as expert witness

Abrasions, bruises, contusions and lacerations

Incised wounds

Bite wounds

Gunshot wounds

Head injuries

Neck and nape injuries

Chest injuries

Abdominal injuries

Spinal injuries

Downfall injuries

Traffic accidents



Diagnosis of death

Determination of time of death

Types of putrefaction

Asphyxia - autopsy finding


Covering of the nose and mouth

Traumatic asphyxia

Aspiration of foreign material


Injury due to heat

Cold injury

Injury related to changes of atmospheric pressure

Unexpected and sudden death in adult age

Sudden death in infancy

Alcohol - medicinal aspects

General aspects of poisoning

Poisoning - murder, suicide, accident

Mushroom poisoning

Acid poisoning

Alkali poisoning

Food poisoning

Death from narcotic and hallucinogenic drugs

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Cyanide poisoning

Vital reactions

Blood staing, groups, DNA and identification


Forensic pathology contributes a large part of forensic medicine, as it deals with the examination of the dead. Forensic Toxicology is the study of poisons and Forensic Serology deals with investigation of the biological stains are the important parts of Forensic Medicine too.