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Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


secretariat for foreign students -

Orthopaedics, 5th year

Lectures, seminary and morning session - Lecture room 4th Floor Children's Ward block D

Morning session starts at 8:30

Simulation Lab - Plzeňská street, Technical Building room 113 more information


Introduction to the field: Name of the field - Andry 1741 - history, othopaedic examinations, diagnosis, methodes of therapy. Clinical examinations RTG-methodes in Orthopaedics. Importance of laboratory methodes. Kineziology, Rehabilitaion, connections between different fields.

Types of Orthopaedic operations: bases of instumentation, Osteotomies - Types a indications

Artrodesis, artroplastic operations, resection, transplantation, prolongation of achill tendon, redress, Halo, skeletal extention.

Osteosyntesis: Intramedular technics, Plate - technics AO and other methodes. cerclage, screw technics, external fixation with one plane, more planes.

Pediatric Orthopaedics: Congenital anomalies: Swanson´s classifications, transversal defects, longitudunal decets, syndactylie, polydaktylie, specific congenital anomalies of inferior extremitis - Tibial pseodoartrosis, anomalies of the foot - congenital planovalgus, club-foot, varisation the metatarses, vertical talus - Specific congenital anomalies of the supperior extremities - manus vara.

Pediatric examinations and its subtypes, adolescental examinations - congenital scoliosis, torticollis, typical affects.

Developmental and metabolic diseases - rachitis, M reclinghausen, constitutional diseases - osteochondroplazia, epifyseal dysplasia, achondroplzia, spondyloepi. metafysal dysplasia, fibrous dyplsysia, osteognsis imperfecta, length differences of extremities.

Cerebral palsy: ethiology, types - conzervative therapy, operative therapy - operations of the muscles, tendons, joints, postoperative care, therapeutic aims.

Osteoarthrosis: patophysiology of the cartilage - kolagen, chondrocyty, intercellular matrix, blood supply, nutrition, intraarticullar patological changes, abakterial synovialitis, hydrops, patological changes on the cartilage. Subchondral reaction - sklerosis, necrosis, cysts, desaxation.

Primary osteoarthrosis against secondary osteoarthrosis.

Therapy: conzervative therapy - analgetics, korticoids, nonsteroid antirevmatics NSA, chondroprotective substances.

Operative methodes of the joints: Artroscopic methode, operative methodes of knee, corrective osteotomies, artrodesis, alloplasty.

Aseptic bone necrosis: Kohler I Osgood Schlater, Sinding - Larsen, Haglund. Sever, Freiberg. Koller, Scheurmann.

Care about orthopaedic patients: extention, traction, distraction, corrective apartus. Orthesis, prothesis, Soft tissue maztrials in Orthopaedics. Bandage, desault, cast and its principles

Problems of hip joint in child age: clinical examinations, ultrasound, X-ray.

Stable, unstable - luxable hip.

Limits of conzervative therapy.

Repozitional abstacles - labrum, lig teres

Artography, operative open procedure.

M. Perthes - LCC: ischemie, prodroms, subchondral fractures, clinical pictures, reparative methodes, what is congruental joint, therapeutic system, risk and prognosis.

Spinal orthopaedics: M. Schueurmann, syndrom klippel. Feil, spina bifida

Structural scoliosis, nonstructural scoliosis, idiopathic scoliosis, Marfan diseases, Bachter disease.

Forestier, osteochondrosis.

Inflamation of the bones: Osteomyelitis - Pathophyseolgy, classifications, clinical pictures, possibility of therapy.

Tumors of the bones and soft tissues: Genesis of the bone tumors, classifications, diagnosis, clinical pictures, possibilty of therapy, prothetics and its role in oncoorthopaedics, prognosis, final result after therapy.

Differential diagnosis: coxalgia - pain of the hip,omalgia - pain of the shoulder, gonalgia - pain of the knee, bach pain, lumalgia lumabo.


Orthopaedic terminology and basics of orthopaedic examination