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Pediatrie III

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Tento text není v aktuálním jazyce dostupný. Zobrazuje se verze "en".Sylabus

6th year

Syllabus of Paediatrics

General information:

On the first day, students will come to the meeting room prof. Brdlík at 7.45 am.(Lecture Room, 1st floor - D - children´s section). A group supervisor will introduce students with the program of the module at Paediatric Dept, students will be then assigned to individual wards and will obtain attendance records cards. Following that, they will go the wards. They actively participate on clinical duties both inpatient and outpatient under the supervision of their group supervisor and a junior doctor. During the clinical training, students are expected to complete concrete medical tasks. Under the supervision they work like a junior doctor – they take care of several patients, draw blood, apply injections, introduce transfusion sets, participate on necessary paper work, take part in grand ward rounds.

Clinical training:

Training blocks are 6 weeks long. Students are: a. 25 days: Paediatric Dept + Dept of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology b. 5 days: Neonatology unit, Dept of G-O, hospital for adults; floor 5, B – doc. Zoban a)

Training at Paediatric Department:

Supervisor – group supervisors

• start on a ward at 8.30 am – in appropriate dress and shoes, with no bags

• finish after midday seminar, ca. at 12.45 pm

• during the training in the department, every student must take part in 2 clinical shifts, either 2 shifts on weekdays (one of them being extended), or one-day shift and one weekend/bank holiday shift. During the afternoon MD meeting, students must report themselves to a doctor who is that day oncall (oncall schedule is available in the meeting room of prof. Houštek or at secretary). The shift on weekdays starts at 12.45 pm with the afternoon MD meeting and ends at 6 pm. Extended shift starts at 12.45 pm with the afternoon MD meeting and ends at 10 pm. Weekend/bank holiday shift starts at 7 am on a ward. Completion of the shift is confirmed by oncall doctor to the attendance card. Students are requested to sign up for shifts in the secretary office, building E, nurse residence, floor 4.

• compulsory midday seminar is every day at 11.45 am – its program will be announced on attendance cards

• also all day seminar is compulsory for students – its program will be announced on attendance cards

• students' seminar with their group supervisor is every Friday at 11.00 am

Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology:

Supervisor – as. MUDr. Renata Formánková start at 7.45 am (morning MD meeting) on the ward 5B

•in appropriate dress and shoes, with no bags

•the program of the training will be announced in the Department

•shifts, midday seminars, all day seminars and students' seminar are all compulsory also for students who have duties at the Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology

All day seminar:

• is held in the meeting room of prof. Brdlík

• for all students (both at Paediatric Dept and Dept of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology)

• start at 9.30 am

• date notification in attendance cards program:

Development in childhood prof. Lebl

Metabolic disorders prof. Zeman, 1. LF UK, Dept of children and adolescents,Ke Karlovu 2, Praha 2, 1. floor E3a,start at 8.00 am, please bring a white coat and shoes

Practical paediatrics MUDr. Cabrnochová (9.00–11.00 am)

Midday seminar:

•is held in the meeting room of prof. Brdlík

•for all students (both at Paediatric Dept and Dept of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology)

•start at 11.45 am program:

Hemoytic uremic syndrome

Acute renal failure

Dehydration, rehydration, replacement therapy- water and minerals

Therapy of acute diarrhoea

Therapy of diabetic ketoacidosis

Natural and artificial nutrition of infants

Diagnostics and long-term therapy of asthma

Dif.dg. and therapy of hypertension in children

Therapy of acute exacerbation of asthma

Newborn with genitalia, disorders of sex development

Disorders Ca/P metabolism in children

Parenteral nutrition

Dg and therapy of acute pyelonephritis

Convulsions in children

Risk factors for pre-/hypertension in adolescents and adults

Methods of scientific research and publication

Common childhood obesity

Thyroid disease in children

How to motivate diabetic children to long-term cooperation

Glomerulonephritis Doc. Dušek

Idiopathic intestinal inflammation in children


Cystic fibrosis

Evaluation of percentile charts

Disorders Ca/P metabolism in children

Differential diagnosis of stridor

Chronic hepatic disease

Poisoning in children b)

Neonatology unit with ICU, Dept of Gyn.-Obstetrics, hospital for adults, floor 5 B

Supervisor – doc. MUDr. Petr Zoban, CSc.

•start on a ward at 8.15 am – in appropriate dress and shoes, with no bags

•the program will be announced on the ward

Grand Ward Round:

Students who are assigned to respective ward will take part in the Grand ward round as follows:


Monday 15.00–16.00 ward 3B

Wednesday 13.00–14.00 ward 4B

Thursday 11.00–12.00 13.00–15.00 ward PC ward 1C

Friday 11.00–12.00 ward 5B

State exam:

•dates of the exam are known from the first day of training and students sign up to them electronically

•students are requested to come to the secretary office by 7.45 am

•before beginning the exam, students are requested to fill out the survey (as ordered by the dean 2. LF UK)

•questions for the exam can be found on website of Paediatric Dept ( → Departments → Paediatric Dept → Teaching)

State exam from paediatrics is composed of three parts:

•review of an X-ray picture

•practical examination on a ward

•oral examination

Final remarks:

•10% absence is tolerated – including sick leave, medical appointment or other personal reasons

•program and time schedule with specification of the site can be found on faculty website:

•faculty website – information and news – program of teaching at Paediatric Dept

•faculty website – study – time schedules – click on respective subject and study group

•on a noticeboard on the ground floor G (in front of auditorium)

•on noticeboards in the ground floor corridor leading to the auditorium

•credits must be signed by a group supervisor immediately after the end of the clinical training

A supervisor of teaching of paediatrics in 6th year is: doc. MUDr. Květa Bláhová, CSc., tel. ext. 2056

Tento text není v aktuálním jazyce dostupný. Zobrazuje se verze "en".Anotace

Study programme in all fields of paediatrics. Enteral and parenteral nutrition, medical antropology, psychological problems in paediatrics.