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Surgery II

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Information for students

Teaching of general sugery (CH1-CH3) of 6th year medical students will take place in the Department of Surgery, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Motol University Hospital. The surgical block (CH1) will start on Monday at 8:30 in the library of the surgical department (first floor, corridor between section A and B). Do not forget to bring a white coat and your ID card.

Educational material (seminars) are available on Moodle - Surgery II (password Surgery 6).

*Neurosurgery - teaching instructions

*Neurosurgery course is designed to cover the compex field of neurosurgery for children and adults population. Teaching will focus on the pathophysiological basis of the disease, modern examination methods and treatment options focusing brain and *peripheral nerve injuries, brain and spinal cord tumors, epileptosurgery, congenital CNS defects, cerebrovascular diseases, hydrocephalus, degenerative spinal disorders and functional neurosurgery. Students should acquire comprehensive *theoretical knowledge, basic practical knowledge of neurosurgical examination and prepare for the state surgical exam. As part of their practical skills, students will examine patients in the standard ward and ICU and can participate in the *operating room.

*Neurosurgical course (Monday to Wednesday) will start at 8,30 am, Motol Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery – Pediatric Part – SP A.

*Study materials rea already in MOODLE - Neurosurgery, password: mozek

*Recommended study literature:

*Textbook of Surgery - Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment Jiří Hoch, Jan Leffler

*Other professional literature:

*Handbook of Neurosurgery Mark S.Greenberg

*Course credit conditions:

*Attendence of all three study blocks - Monday to Wednesday, credit to SIS


General Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Neurosurgery, Cardiovascular Surgery.