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OS - Stem cells and gene manipulation in regenerative medicine

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Syllabus - Stem Cells and Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine

Short anotation:

Embryonic and tissue-specific stem cells, biomaterials for tissue engineering (scaffolds, nanofibers, spinal cord repair), GMP facilities, clinical studies

Day 1 Place Department of Neuroscience 2. LF UK, Motol hospital, 2D

Lectures Introduction to stem cell biology and biomaterials. Jendelová

Safety, Laboratory work. Růžička

Practical course Basic cell culture laboratory - laminar flow cabinet, centrifuge, incubator, laboratory shaker etc.

Work in a biohazard box - sterility, single use and sterilizable materials, waste management.

Basic cell culture techniques. Růžička

Day 2 Place Department of Neuroscience 2. LF UK, Motol hospital, 2D

Lectures Embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent cells. Romanyuk

Practical course MSC isolation from rat bone marrow (femur, tibia), preparation of primary cultures (video with comment, 15 min)

Primary culture parameters, importance of reagents and supplements (medium, FBS, PBS, trypsin), mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) characteristics (25 min)

Practical session

Work in a flow box, preparation of materials for tissue engineering (nanofibers, hydrogels, hydroxyapatite), seeding of MSCs

Cell culture (media exchange, passaging, cell counting, basic microscopy)

Media (15 min)

Checking of confluence (10 min)

Passaging, cell counting (20 min)

Seeding stem cells on materials (10 min)


Day 3 Place Department of Neuroscience 2. LF UK, Motol hospital, 2D

Lectures Neural stem cells, their isolation, characterization and use in experiments. Jendelová

Hematopoietic stem cells, their isolation, purification and use in clinical medicine. Konrádová-Langkramer

Practical course seminar

Biomaterials for implantation into different models of spinal cord injury (SCI)

Implantation of hydrogels into a hemisection model of SCI (video with comment, 30 min)

Balloon compression lesion model of SCI (video with comment, 15 min)

Behavioural tests to evaluate motor and sensory function in a rat model of SCI (video with comment, 20 min)


Day 4 Place Department of Neuroscience 2. LF UK, Motol hospital, 2D

Lectures Mesenchymal stem cells and their use in regenerative medicine. Jendelová

Cell labeling with iron-oxide nanoparticles and their monitoring by MR imaging. Jendelová

Practical course Practical session

Microscopy - Imaging of cultures and seeded materials (Tuesday work results 20 min). Basic histological staining (DAPI, Phaloidin, GFP) (15 min)

Image analysis software - Image J (cell counting, area summation), Axiovision Wizard software

Image analysis - hydrogel properties, cell attachment (10 min)

Nanofibers - idea of orientation Hydrogels - surface characteristics, porosity, modifications (10 min)

Confocal vs. fluorescence microscopy (15 min)


Day 5 Place Innovation Biomedical Center

Institute of Experimental Medicine

Videnska 1083, Prague 4

Lectures Clinical trials with mesenchymal stem cells. Lesný

Advanced therapeuticals and cell manipulation under Good Manufacturing Practice conditions.

Practical course Clean rooms. Lesný

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Embryonální, fetální, mezenchymální a tkáňově specifické kmenové buňky; teoretické základy, vývoj v oboru.

Praktické aplikace kmenových buněk v terapii závažných onemocnění.