Syllabus - Human Ecology
Required basic knowledge: After completing the 1st year for students of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine.
Human ecology follows the impact of the environmental factors on human health. This course wills develop an integrated view of the ways in which environmental factors can influence health. Each course participant will produce a short essay. The key features are presented to the whole group on the last day of the course.
You can choose one of the following questions:
Population and disasters, examples of the technological disaters (Chernobyl, Bhopal...)
Environment as a system, biodiversity
Global environmental problems
Greenhouse effect
Depletion of the ozone layer
Acid rains
Population growth and nutrition
Soil and waiste
Water pollution, water and health
Environmental toxicology, toxic substances
Noise and vibration
Předmět prohlubuje a rozšiřuje informace týkající se právní problematiky ve zdravotnictví (informovaný souhlas, odmítnutí péče,postup "lege artis" atd.)a komunikace nejen s pacienty, ale i mezi lékaři a dalšími zdravotnickými pracovníky.