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VP - Řezová anatomie

Předmět na 2. lékařská fakulta |

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This subject is intended to enrich students with in depth cross-sectional anatomy knowledge of the human body. The three standard planes (transverse, sagittal and frontal) will be demonstrated on virtual cadavers utilizing the Anatomage table from head to toe, as well as on ultrasound, CTs and MRIs. The aim of this subject is to deliver interactive practical knowledge of the complexity of the cross-sectional anatomy. This knowledge is essential foundation for the clinical practice in interpreting radiological images. * Conditions for enrollments: Recommended for 1st to 6th year students. The level of depth and amount of pathology/clinical cases will be adjusted based on the class of the students in each group. *Note: The subject will be offered twice per year. First year students can ONLY enroll in the summer semester! Limited capacity of 10 due to Anatomage table size. Students will be divided into groups, morning and afternoon sessions. The course will take place on a weekly basis of 2 hours in 10 sessions.

1. Upper limb (compartments and its residing and passing structures).

2. Lower limb (compartments and its residing and passing structures).

3. Thorax (anterior and posterior thoracic wall, mediastinum, lungs, heart).

4. Abdomen (anterior and posterior abdominal wall, peritoneum and retroperitoneum, internal organs).

5. Pelvis (pelvic floor, internal organs, differences between female and male).

6. Neck (compartments and its residing and passing structures, cervical triangles, spinal cord sections).

7. Head (skull spaces, scalp layers, intra- and extra-cranial structures, brain sections).

8. Credit test followed by open discussion and revision.

9. Ultrasound workshop - Musculoskeletal system.

10. Ultrasound workshop - Internal organs.