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OS - Selected Chapters of Metabolism, Nephrology and Gastroenterology

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Syllabus - Selected Chapters of Metabolism, Nephrology and Gastroenterology

Optional subject recommended for international students of the 5th year

Number of students: min. 15, max. 30

Garant: prof. MUDr. Milan Kvapil, CSc., MBA

Responsible person: as.MUDr.Pavlína Piťhová, PhD.

Prerekvisity: Internal I

• Sepsis, septic shock, multiorgan failure. Pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostics and treatment. Multiorgan failure - pathophysiology, symptomatology, diagnostics, treatment.

• Treatment of liver cirrhosis. Case reports. Pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostics and treatment of liver cirrhosis. Complications and how to solve them.

• Colon cancer, principles of screening. Polypectomy, its indication and complications. Clinical presentation of the colon cancor, possibilities of screening. Providing thy polypectomy - risks and complications.

• Principles of parenteral and enteral nutrition within the course of serious malnutrition. Out-patient parenteral nutrition. Eating disorders.

• Fluid, electrolytes and acid-base balance and their disorders - practical examples.

• Clinical aspects of hypoglycaemia. What could cause hypoglycaemia? What could be cause by hypoglycaemia?.

• Inflammatory bowel disease, colonoscopic diagnostic and treatment. New treatments of IBD.

• Chronic renal failure, causes of it´s progression. Renal osteodystrophy.

• Salt and the kidney.

• Chronic diabetic complications - neuropathy, nephropathy, diabetic foot, macrovascular complication. Metabolic memory. Importance of screening the coronary heart disease in diabetic patiens.