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VP - Informační technologie v medicíně

Předmět na 2. lékařská fakulta |


Sylabus: Medicine is an information profession: only few other disciplines handle such a plentitude and variability of information. The ways that medicine and information technologies approach information stem from different backgrounds - and that is the reason why introducing IT in medicine is often difficult and controversial. Availability and the disruptive nature of IT, however, will result also in changing the ways that medicine has developed for dealing with information. Hoewver problematic are the current projects of continuous monitoring, e-prescription or electronic health record, they will be further developed and followed. The aim of the course is to offer an insight into the life cycle of information in medicine, into possibilities of supporting medicine through IT and into possible consequences of different views on information within the medical field.

* Topics:

• Information as a representation of reality, information processing as an essential part of medicine. Information and relation to the methodology of medicine as a science.

• Obtaining and communicating information: the principles of formalization and representation of information, conceptual domains and their relations.

• Information and its reliability. Trust and sources of authority in medical decision making.

• The environment of information and communication technologies - information and data, transferring information in networks. Centralized and distributed processing of data.

• Electronic representtaion of health-related data - statical data, images, signals. Acquisition, representation and communication of biomedical data.

• Technical principles of communication networks. Principles and use of client-server, peer-to-peer models, grid networks, cloud applications. Centralized and distributed data processing.

• Electronic health records.

• Healthcare providers‘ information systems - from browsing lab results in practicioners’ offices to complex hospital information systems. Sharing information as a base for collaboration in healthcare. Information for healthcare management.

• Specialized processing of health-related data: knowledge representation, models, decision support.

• Information, information technology and ethics: ethical aspects of processing medical information in information networks. Ethics and security aspects of IT.

• Information services in a computer network (Internet), basic applications, formats and communication protocols.

• Web as a base technology for contemporary information services and as an environment for specialized applications: evolution of technologies and corresponding information services. Modern information services: SaaS, AaaS, mobile applications, multimedia.

• Principles of telemedicine, cybermedicine, robotic medicine, remote and continuous monitoring of patients.

• Healthcare in the world of information technologies: global information vs. local health, eHealth, mHealth, personalization.