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OS - Tissue engineering and nanobiotechnology in regenerative medicine

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Introduction to tissue engineering

• Tissue structure – overview

• Selected techniques and methods applied in tissue and protein engineering – summary (lasers, fluorescence, flow cytometry, FACS, electromigration and chromatographic methods, PCR, spectroscopic and spectrometric methods)

• Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering

• Cells in tissue engineering – principle sources, cells isolated from tissues, embryonic and adult stem cells

Tissue engineering

• Cartilage tissue engineering

• Bone tissue engineering

• Skin covers

Nanofibers, their production and safety

• Nanofibers and production methods

• Safety of nanofibers and other nanosystems

• Medical textiles as scaffolds for cell seeding

• Reasons and methods of nanofiber functionalization

Bio-nanotechnology and systems of controlled drug release

• Application of bio-nanotechnology in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

• Controlled drug delivery, liposomes, their preparation and application

• „Smart nanofiber/liposome systems“ for controlled delivery of bioactive molecules

Bio-nanotechnology for artificial tissue production

• Exogenous and endogenous cell sources

• Bio-nanotechnology and mobilization of endogenous cell sources

• Biomechanical properties on native and artificial tissues and their determination

• Quality testing of bio-implants (in vitro and in vivo tests)

Practicals– UCEEB CTU Martin Královič

Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov ČVUT v Praze

Laboratoř pokročilých biomateriálů

Třinecká 1024 273 43 Buštěhrad

A. Nanofibers and controlled drug delivery (UCEEB CTU)

Task 1: Preparation of nanofibers by electrospinning and forcespinning methods

Task 2: Visualization of nanofiber's morphology (SEM analyses)

Task 3: Demonstration of 3D printing method

Task 4: Evaluation of physico-chemical properties of nanofibres (FTIR analysis)

B. In vitro characterization of cells Institute of Experimental Medicine of the ASCR (IEM ASCR)

Institute of Experimental medicine of the ASCR

IBC building

Vídeňská 1083 142 20 Praha 4

Task 1: Cell passaging

Task 2: Cell staining, confocal microscopy – DiOC6 and propidium iodide staining

Task 3: Cells metabolic activity testing – MTS test