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OS - New technologies and examination methods in internal medicine

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


• Nuclear cardiology. Presentation of scintigraphic examination methods in kardiology.

• Inherited and acquired heart defects, echocardiographic examination. Heart defects, symptomatology, diagnostics. Echochardiography. Theory and practical demonstration.

• Examination methods in angiology. Peripheral vessels and their diseases, clinical presentation, examination methods. Theory and practical demonstration af duplex ultrasound examination, mesurements of peripheral pressures, photopletysmography, tcpO2

• Clinical aspects of pulmonary hypertension. Definition, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnostics and treatment. Imaging methods.

• Technologies in diabetology – continual glucose monitoring, continual subcutaneous insulin infusion, bolus wizard. Theory and practical demonstration.

• Education of the diabetic patient.Theory and practical demonstration.

• Mesurements of metabolic demand, calorimetry. Theory and practical demonstration.

• Intensive metabolic care unit. Patients care, equipment, practical demonstration of new technologies.

• Elimination methods. Hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, hemoperfusion, continual methods. Theory and practical demonstration of new technologies.