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Community medicine

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


5th GENERAL MEDICINE – block/ 5 days  

Introduction to the study subject.  Social medicine and public health .History of medicine. Theory of health and disease. Determinants of health and  possibilities how to affect them. Prevention and regular check-ups. Demography and its meaning for  health care. Health status of population, methods of study, aims and meaning of  its  study. Heath status indicators. World Health Organization. Program Health 21. Health 2020.

Principles of modern health care. System approach  for health  and  medical care. Management in health care.  Systems of health care in the world. Health literacy. Health insurance. Czech Medical Chamber. Financing of health care. Institute of Health Information and Statistics.

Organization of health care.  Therapeutic preventive care (methods, parts, rules, provision).  Ambulatory and hospital care. Primary care. International Classification of Disease and Related Problems. International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health. Fundamentals of medical law. Health care professionals (duties, status,  education). Ethical  and  legal aspects of physicians’ and health care professionals’´ activity

Introduction to gerontology and  social insurance system.  Social gerontology. Old age and aging. Health and social problems in old age.  Practical simulation of old age   (geronto-  suit ). System of social security. Sickness insurance. Pension insurance. Assessment of health ability for work.   System of social help. Social benefit for care. Assessment of ability for daily living needs. 

Visit in social facility for seniors– “Domov pro seniory”  in Plzeň.  

Literature:  in English language :

Materials from seminars.

Health for All in 21st century - WHO websites

Brett, J. Cassens : Preventive medicine and Public Health 1992, ISBN 0-683-06262-X

Howard, P., Bogle, J: Medical Law and Ethics. 2005, ISBN  1-4051-1868-7

Farmer, R. : Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine , 2004, ISBN 1-4051-0674-3

Knapp, R.G., , Miller, M. C. : Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 1992, ISBN  0-683-06206-9


The main aim of study subject is to inform medical students about system and organization of health care, provision of health care, development of care for health and social determinants of health, understanding health and disease with their determinants. Students will obtain information about health care system and social services., cooperation primary care, ambulatory care and hospital care. Students will have basic information about medical law, social gerontology and history of medicine.

Practical training of simulation of old age and visits in social facility (pension home) will help for our students to understand some problems of old age.