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Pathological Physiology

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Syllabus of pathological physiology – dental medicine  

The student knows the facts in the field of general and special pathophysiology, can present and logically organize them, recognize and evaluate their importance, name examples of described phenomena. The student is oriented in the problem and can explain pathophysiological mechanisms of the diseases, explain how and why pathological processes happen and develop. The student can find and explain a context and relations between knowledge of various areas of pathophysiology, understand and use interdependence of individual organ systems in normal as well as pathological states. The student has knowledge of subjects which pathophysiology follows up on, i.e. anatomy, histology, embryology, biology chemistry and biochemistry, biophysics, physiology and microbiology. The student can use this knowledge to understand pathophysiology and can find and explain their relations.  

General pathophysiology

Introduction to the subject, definition of basic terms, etiology, pathogenesis

Disease and its course, manifestation of diseases

Etiological factors

Intrinsic etiological factors (constitution, reactivity, epigenetics, heredity)

Extrinsic etiological factors (physical, chemical, biological, social)

Developmental disorders

Diseases and disorders linked to a certain age

Gametopathy, blastopathy, embryopathy, fetopathy, perinatal damage, teratogenic factors

Growth disorders - nanism, gigantism

Aging - causes and mechanisms of aging, theory of aging, consequences of aging

Terminal states, death - clinical and biological death, causes and mechanisms of death, signs of death, dying and its stages, persistent vegetative state, locked-in syndrome

Stress - the concept of general adaptation syndrome, stress phases, relation of stress to pathogenesis of disease, stress diseases, stress axes disturbances

Pathophysiology of immunity – immune deficiency, allergy, autoimmune diseases, inflammation, transplantation

Pathophysiology of thermoregulation – overheating, hypothermia, fever, malignant hyperthermia

Pathophysiology of tumors - classification of tumors, tumorigenesis, metastasis, consequences and manifestations of tumors, pseudotumors

Acid-base balance and its disorders

Pathophysiology of body fluids – changes of volume and osmolality, edema  

Special pathophysiology – pathophysiology of organ systems

Pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system

Heart defects, disturbances of peripheral blood circulation, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias, arterial hypertension, cardiac insufficiency and failure, pulmonary hypertension, thromboembolic disease, circulatory shock

Pathophysiology of the blood

Pathophysiology of red blood cells, pathophysiology of leukocytes, hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombotic states

Pathophysiology of breathing

Hypoxia, cyanosis, respiratory insufficiency, obstructive and restrictive disorders of lung ventilation, disorders of lung diffusion and perfusion, disorders of breathing regulation, acute respiratory distress syndrome, lung diseases, pleural cavity diseases

Pathophysiology of the excretory system

Pathophysiology of acute and chronic renal failure, uremic syndrome

Pathophysiology of the endocrine system

General principles and features of endocrine disorders

Pathophysiology of endocrine function of the hypothalamus, neuro- and adenohypophysis

Pathophysiology of the thyroid gland – thyroid hormones

Pathophysiology of the adrenal cortex and medulla

Pathophysiology of the parathyroid glands

Pathophysiology of metabolism and internal environment

Pathophysiology of energetic metabolism

Disorder of glycaemia regulation, diabetes mellitus

Pathophysiology of calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride metabolism

Pathophysiology of protein and amino acids metabolism, nitrogen balance

Pathophysiology of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism

Pathophysiology of nutrition

Eating disorders, malnutrition, anorexia, bulimia, pathophysiology of starvation, obesity

Rational diet, carbohydrates, fats and proteins as food components

Hypovitaminoses and hypervitaminoses, lack and excess of minerals and trace elements

Pathophysiology of the gastrointestinal tract

Pathophysiology of the oral cavity, stomach, small and large intestine

Pathophysiology of exocrine pancreas

Pathophysiology of the liver, liver failure, portal hypertension, ascites and hyperbilirubinemia

Pathophysiology of the nervous system

General causes of disorders and illnesses of the nervous system

Disorders of peripheral nerves

Pathophysiology of the spinal cord, brain stem, cerebellum, hypothalamus, basal ganglia

Pathophysiology of vegetative nervous system

Pathophysiology of neuromuscular transmission

Pathophysiology of learning and memory, behavior, affective functions and symbolic functions

Neurodegenerative and demyelinating disorders

Pathophysiology of epilepsy

Pathophysiology of the motor system - paralysis, ataxias, extrapyramidal disorders

Pathophysiology of sleep and biological rhythms

Pathophysiology of brain edema and intracranial hypertension

Pathophysiology of the sensory systems - pathophysiology of somatosensory system, pain  

Practical knowledge and skills


Laboratory animals and principles of laboratory work

Electrocardiography, principles, ECG record description, diagnosis


Using electricity in medicine, active and passive electrical properties of tissues

Injection technique

Local and general anesthesia, complex management of general anesthesia

Surgical instruments and sewing materials

Definition of concepts, methods, preparation of the surgical field

Basic surgical procedures – surgical knots and stitches, asepsis, antisepsis

Examination of hemorrhagic diatheses, blood pressure measurement

Examination of pulmonary ventilation – spirometry, obstructive and restrictive disorders  

For detailed syllabus, see the webpage of the Department of Pathophysiology:  


The subject content consists of general and special pathophysiology, i.e. general principles of pathological phenomena, etiology and pathogenesis of disorders of particular organs and organ systems and particular diseases including explanation of relations between normal and pathological processes in various organ systems and on various levels of the organism. Practical skills related to basic medical approaches in the context of theoretical knowledge are also taught. Knowledge of subjects which pathophysiology follows up on, i.e. anatomy, histology, embryology, biology chemistry and biochemistry, biophysics, physiology and microbiology, is an integral part of pathophysiology and are interrelated and used for explanation of principles of diseases and pathological processes.

Teaching of pathophysiology for dental medicine students is focused in details on general pathophysiology and on special pathophysiology of severe states and those stated that can arise as a complication of stomatological diseases or their treatment and pathophysiology of diseases that could determine a high-risk patient from the point of view of the dental medicine. Other areas of pathophysiology are explained on the level of basal overview with respect to interconnections between pathophysiology of individual organ systems.